
Half Afghan, Half Croatian: Sisterhood Magic on Hvar in September

By 30 July 2019

July 30, 2019 - Strengthen your feminine essence and return to source with Sisterhood Magic on Hvar.

The TCN inbox is an eclectic place. In between all the threats, insults and requests for free promotion, there are several gems, as well as some rather unusual stories. Such as this one:

I am happy to have found you - my name is Jamila, I am half Croatian and half Afghan, and I have my business as a Coach and Recruiter for Highly Intelligent and Highly Sensitive People. I also give Woman Workshops on Hvar, where I have recently bought land- and there I will build up a Community land for Workshops, Seminars and wonderful things.

It sounded like there were a ton of interesting stories behind this young lady, so I wrote back to Jamila, asking for more information about her.

My mom actually is from the Region Zagorje, my stepfather from Turanj (Dalmatia); my father from Afghanistan (political refugee) and I bought land on Hvar. The father of my brother is Italian, of my other sister is my Croatian stepfather:) AND i have a Wolfdog. And lived in Spain, Latin America, India. Shamanic education. Coach. Recruiter. Out-of-the box-thinker.


An interesting lady, no doubt, and while sisterhood magic is not my thing, I am sure this rather different retreat may well have lots of interest, so I publish the details above. 

A quick search on YouTube shows that Jamila has been holding events in Croatia for some time. Check out this idyllic spot on Vis, for example, introduced by Jamila in German (she lives and works full-time in Germany).

To learn more about her services and Sisterhood Magic on Hvar, contact her via her official website
