
Move Over Burning Man: Liberland's Floating Man Coming to Croatian Border

By 12 August 2019

August 12, 2019 - The first Liberland Floating Man festival will take place on Croatia's border later this week.

It is more than four years since a Czech man planted a flag in a marshy piece of land on the shores of the Danube and declared the founding of the Free State of Liberland, a story which went around the world and soon attracted more than half a million applications for Liberland citizenship. 

Almost five years later, the Croatian authorities continue their opposition to the settling of Liberland by Liberland President Vit Jedlicka and his growing army of supporters, but there has been a much warmer welcome, certainly at the local level on the Serbian side of the Danube, where Liberland money is trickling into the local economy, a taster of the economic regeneration that could follow to this depressed economic region should the Liberland dream be realised. 

And for from being discouraged at the lack of progress diplomatically, the Liberland presence is growing locally, the latest manifestation of which is the first Liberland festival which will take place this week. Burning Man it may not be but the Liberland Floating Man Music Festival is one more small step for LIberland to develop its identity.  

Here is President Jedlicka introducing the festival, some 3,000 metres above his country. As for the festival, over to the organisers for more information: 

Join us for Liberland Summer Festival - Floating Man, festival for Liberlanders by Liberlanders.  Join us for Liberland Summer Festival - Floating Man, festival for Liberlanders by Liberlanders.  

➤ FLOATING MAN 2019- Concerts and DJs - Day on a boat with DJs and water games.   - Conference with talks about cryptocurrencies, Liberland news, etc.  - Sightseeing flights around Liberland- Sports and free time activity as a slackline

➤ LOCATIONLiberland Cora Airport - Bački Monoštor, Serbia(45°46’58.1″N 19°01’09.4″E)

➤ FESTIVAL TICKETS Only 150 tickets available

➤ LIBERLAND MUSICIANS WANTED Do you have a band, do you write songs, perform, DJ or do you want to participate with any other activities? You are more than welcome to join. Support an idea of a voluntary festival with your activity. For more information and sign in, write a comment on this event. 

➤ The first Floating Man Music Festival (and the official wedding of Vladan and Silvia) is set to take place at Cora Airport, located only ten km away from Liberland. All-day Saturday will be spent on the water, visiting Liberland with different ships, boats and even smaller vessels. It’s a great opportunity to see the construction of as well the Free Trade zone in the port of Apatin. 

Learning from best experience of events like Burning Man or Ephemerisle, we are bringing something new to Europe and the Balkans. Principles like self-reliance and high regard for the environment reflect the spirit of the event. You can also meet Liberland artists, thinkers and best musicians in addition to visiting Liberland from skies or by boat. 

Side events include a presentation of Liberland Flight Academy, our soccer team, and our chess team. Music experience will include some of the best Liberland DJs and jazz performers. We are looking forward to host Varhan Orchestrovič Bauer, the famous composer of Liberland’s anthem. Your event ticket is included with the purchase of Liberland e-Residency. Accommodations can be arranged in one of nearby hotels or directly on the spot with tents which will be available for sale.

For more information about Floating Man, and to get tickets, check out the Facebook event page

Learn more about the Liberland story in this documentary shot during the first anniversary conference in 2016.

Freedom for Liberland! from MEL Films on Vimeo.

Want to learn more about the Liberland story? Check out the dedicated TCN section.

Tagged under: liberland
