
Varazdin County First in Croatia to Give Train Passengers Free Bicycle Transport

By 29 October 2019

October 29, 2019 - Varazdin County moves to a more sustainable transport model by offering train passengers free bicycle transport. 

HRTurizam writes that at the railway station in Varazdin, the chairwoman of the Varazdin County Tourist Board, Natalija Martincevic, and the director of the Varazdin County Tourist Board, Miran Bojanic Morandini, presented a unique project - free bicycle transport on trains.

“The County of Varazdin, in cooperation with HZ Passenger Transport, is the first in Croatia to launch the free bicycle transport project for train passengers. Citizens thus also acquire the right to free bicycle transport on trains operating in Varazdin County by purchasing a passenger ticket,” said Martincevic.

By combining bicycle and train transportation, tourists visiting Varazdin County, as well as locals, get even more travel options, resulting in a better and more meaningful offer. Better accessibility of the beauty of the County, as well as convenience in carrying out daily tasks, result in increasing the quality of life, stronger development of a new tourist offer, but also a more sustainable transport system.


TZ Varazdin County

“Varazdin is currently the last point on one of the most beautiful and longest cycling routes from the source to the mouth of the Drava. More than 200,000 bicycles pass through this route and many of them use integrated transport, which allows for a much wider radius of travel. This is important news for both tourists and locals alike,” said Miran Bojanic Morandini, director of the Varazdin County Tourist Board.

This is just one of the many measures that Varazdin County is implementing in order to achieve traffic sustainability. Some of the other goals are to increase bicycle transport, as well as the share of rail passenger transport. This opens up new possibilities for sustainable travel for its citizens and tourists, which significantly contributes to the reduction of pollution, but also traffic safety.

“In the two years of our mandate, we have provided more than HRK 1,700,000.00 for the development of cycling tourism and cycling routes in Varazdin County. Varazdin County is one of the three Counties in Croatia to introduce the Cyclist Welcome Quality standard, and as many as 30 accommodations and catering facilities in Varazdin County have become part of it,” concluded Natalija Martincevic, chairwoman of the Varazdin County Tourist Board.

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