June 9, 2020 - The SightRun mobile application has enhanced Croatian tourism with three new island tours: Cres, Mali Lošinj and Supetar.
HRTurizam writes that while it is still difficult to predict how the tourism sector will look after the coronavirus, it is quite clear we will have a different kind of tourism.
But one thing is for sure; the bigger focus will be on sustainable and active tourism. This is where SightRun, a tourist running application that provides a new dimension of running, combining this activity with sightseeing, comes into play.
It is an innovative tourist product that presents destinations as 'Run Friendly' destinations and brings this unique niche closer to the destination through stories of local delicacies, cultural and historical sights and natural attractions.
In times when we still need to pay attention to social distance, apps like SightRun help us continue to enjoy the destination without having to do it in large groups. It is the digitalization of tourism in the true sense.
And now, the SightRun application has been enhanced by three new island tours: Cres, Mali Lošinj and Supetar.
The SightRun team has also been working on developing new tours in recent months. "Although the corona-crisis has slowed down and stopped certain promotional actions, this startup can certainly give its contribution to Croatian tourism. The cities of Cres, Mali Lošinj and Supetar have found their place on the list of runner-friendly destinations this time. The tours are about 5 kilometers long and start in the center. Running through the alleys of island settlements, promenades along the sea with stories about the destination and other attractions on the island, will surely encourage guests to explore these attractive destinations further," said SightRun.
It is certainly important to emphasize that all tours are available in Croatian and English.
The SightRun app allows the user to safely (and independently) explore the destination in which they are running for the first time, learn about its history and discover some of the sights and attractions.
“For this type of guest, we mean active guests, it sometimes means first getting to know the destination and therefore, we want to leave the best impression to intrigue the guest to peek into local restaurants, explore the surroundings, look into museums and for a local tourist guide for more information. People are an indispensable link in tourism, and technology is an additional wheel that can enable things to start faster," says SightRun.
All tours are intended for runners, but due to the use of the GPS system of the user's mobile phone, speed is not important. This means that the user can move at the desired speed, walk, stop, take photos, and finish the tour at their pace and time.
The SightRun application is currently available in 17 Croatian destinations, as well as in Munich and Graz.
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