
Tourism in the Corona Age: 10 Virtual Ways to Discover Lumbarda

By 13 June 2020
Tourism in the Corona Age: 10 Virtual Ways to Discover Lumbarda
Lumbarda Tourist Board

June 13, 2020 - Tourism has been on hold, but most of us have plenty of time. So let's look at the virtual resources available to explore Croatia virtually. We continue our new Virtual Croatia series with the tools to discover Lumbarda on Korcula.

A few weeks ago I wrote that being a tourism blogger in the corona era was about as useful as being a cocktail barman in Saudi Arabia. I feel less useless now, a few weeks later, and I am encouraged by the number of Croatian tourism businesses who are contacting us wanting to start thinking of promoting post-corona tourism. 

One of the challenges of writing about tourism at the moment is that there is nothing positive to write about. With people confined to their homes and tourism in Croatia currently not possible, many have decided to go into hibernation until it is all over. 

I think that this is a mistake, and I have greatly enjoyed the TCN series by Zoran Pejovic of Paradox Hospitality on thinking ahead to tourism in a post-corona world.  You can find Zoran's articles here.

Way back on March 14 - several lifetimes ago - I published an article called Tourism in the Corona Age: 10 Virtual Ways to Discover Zagreb. The way I saw things, now was an OUTSTANDING opportunity for tourism promotion. People have time, they yearn for their freedom and former lives, so give them the tools to thoroughly research and enjoy your destinations, and you will have then longing to be there. And when they do come, they will have a deeper understanding of the destination due to their research. 

South Africa and Portugal were the first to do their post-corona tourism promotion videos several weeks ago (Post-Corona Tourism Planning: Lessons from South Africa and Portugal), a trick which has been followed by other tourism countries, the latest being Croatia with the national tourist board campaign, #CroatiaLongDistanceLove, going live yesterday.

But while these campaigns create longing and market presence, they don't really educate. People now have time to really get into destinations. And dreams of escape to somewhere more exotic are high on the list of priorities of many. 

So TCN has decided to help with that education with a new series called Virtual Croatia, where we will be helping you discover many of Croatia's destinations with all the best virtual tools available on your self-isolating sofa at home. 

We started last week with Tourism in the Corona Age: 10 Virtual Tools to Discover Hvar.

After this, we put our a press release (which you can read here in English and Croatian) offering a free article to any local tourist board in Croatia who would like the free promotion in our Virtual Croatia series

The Sinj Tourist Board was the first to respond, and now you can see just how rich the tourism offer is in this proud Alka town - your virtual tools to Discover Sinj. This was followed by DIscover OpatijaDiscover Brela, Discover Rogoznica, Discover Klis, Discover TrogirDiscover Omis, and Discover Stari Grad.

Next up, Ante Šestanović from the Lumbarda Tourist Board, who sent me some virtual tools to help us discover Lumbarda. 

Let's begin! 

Welcome to Lumbarda, Home to Thousands of Years of History and Beauty

Lumbarda, a small settlement on the south-western coast of the island of Korcula, is one of the true idyllic gems on the Adriatic. Winner of the prestigious 2019 Vecernji List Tourist Patrol award, Lumbarda is far more than just a sun and sea destination, and its history and wine story is truly unique. 

In 1877 Božo Kršinić, a local Lumbardian, found on top of a small hill called Koludrt, the Psephisma of Lumbarda. Dating from 3rd or 4th century BC this inscription carved into a stone pillar, provided details about a Greek colony living in Lumbarda who originated from the island of Issa, today’s Vis Island. The Psephisma includes the names of 200 Greek families and the agreement between themselves and the Illyrians who had already settled in the area. It contractual agreed terms for the establishment of the new colony by the Greeks and the division of land. As one of the earliest discovered documents in Croatia, it provides valuable information about the Greek colonists, as well as the democratic way the people divided the land and harmoniously lived side by side. Learn more in the Story Behind the Logo. 

Now get to know the beauty of Lumbarda through various promotional videos.

A tranquil destination of sun, sea, beach and chilled lifestyle. 

An oasis of calm, where you can escape the pressures of the modern world.

A great escape for an active holiday, or a lazy one at the beach.

Lumbarda from the Air

We live in the era of the drone, one more tool to show the magnificence of Lumbarda from the air. 

Discover Lumbarda and Its Wine Champion - Grk

Korcula is a great wine island, famous mostly for its Posip, but also for a very sought-after white wine variety which only grows on the sandy soil of Lumbarda - Grk. There are only about 33,000 bottles a year made, but it is one of the premier white wines of Croatia. One of my favourite (and true) stories about Croatia happened several years ago, when one of the powerful Kennedy family from the USA tasted Grk in a top Dubrovnik hotel. The next day they were on a yacht to Korcula, met the winemaker and tasted his range. They ordered two pallets of Grk. 

"I am sorry," replied the winemaker, but we have a policy of selling just two bottles per customer, as we only have a limited supply."

"Don't you know who I am? I am a Kennedy, and I would like two pallets."

"I do indeed, Sir, but I am Mr. Grk. Two bottles only."

The Beaches of Lumbarda

Lumbarda has great beaches. If anyone has better videos on YouTube, please send me the links, and I will update. The city beach. 

The kids beach.

An Active Lumbarda Holiday

Laze on the beach, or get active. Sailing the Dalmatian islands is a popular way to relax on an Adriatic holiday. Meet the Lumbarda marina.  

Kayaking has grown in popularity in Dalmatia in recent years, a popular activity in Lumbarda. 

Why not try a buggy safari for something a little different? 

Or some coast hiking, perhaps?

The island of Korcula is a great cycling destination, and Lumbarda is a key part of that. 

Traditional Lumbarda, a Destination of Klapa, Folklore, Fishermen's Nights & Donkey Racing 

It may be a small destination, but Lumbarda maintains plenty of traditions, including the popular Fishermen's Nights.

And where would Dalmatia be without that romantic traditional singing - met Klapa Korda.

There are also regular displays of Lumbarda traditional folklore.

And don't miss the epic Lumbarda donkey races. 

And, for something equally romantic at night, sky lanterns. 

Lumbarda as It Once Was (1970) 

Step back in time. Lumbarda as It Once Was, some 50 years ago.  

Rick Stein and BBC Discovers the Gourmet Secrets of Lumbarda

And the secret is slowly getting out. Rick Stein and the BBC were delighted with the gourmet treasures of Lumbarda, where they filmed for a series on the BBC back in 2016. 

Timelapse Lumbarda

Enjoy the magnificence of Lumbarda through timelapse, both the centre and the beach. 


Official Lumbarda Tourist Board Website

Discover Lumbarda via the official tourist board website.

THIS. IS. LUMBARDA. When can we expect your visit? 

To discover more of virtual Croatia, you can follow this series in our dedicated section, Virtual Croatia

If you are a local tourist board in Croatia and would like your destination featured in this series for free, please contact us at Subject Virtual Croatia (and destination name)
