
Yoga in the Centre of the World, as Active Ludbreg Summer Begins

By 6 July 2021
Photo credits Ludbreg Tourist Board
Photo credits Ludbreg Tourist Board

July 6, 2021 - Many tourists may be heading to the coast this summer, but there is plenty happening in continental Croatia, including Active Ludbreg Summer, which kicked off on Saturday. 

What kind of unique experiences can you have in Croatia? Yoga in the centre of the world, perhaps?


Tourism in continental Croatia has a very different look and feel to lazy days on the beach, and the more I look around the towns and villages of continental Croatia, the more I admire their different approaches. 


One such town is Ludbreg, a destination I have been writing about for some time now, in partnership with the Ludbreg Tourist Board. A town which is famous for its claim to be the centre of the world and home to the only certified miracle in Croatia has been working hard at improving its tourism over in the last couple of years. The opening of Archaeological Park Iovia earlier this year was a major milestone for the town's tourism, and the park is also proving popular - learn more about the opening day here.


In addition to the museum, the town has upgraded its access along the river and is putting more emphasis on the use of a beautiful location - Otok Mladosti (Island of Youth) - a short walk from the centre. Otok Mladosti is a natural haven just outside the town, which is used for a number of events and concerts, as well as being a popular local fishing spot. 


The town is also promoting active and healthy tourism, with cycling increasingly important as an activity, and it was the 34th Ludbreg Biciklijada which was one of the highpoints of the town's active summer programme, as Active Ludbreg Summer 2021 kicked off on Saturday.


While the cyclists took to the roads, there were a range of other activities for people to enjoy, with plenty of family fun. 

A new beach bar with DJ was opened on Otok Mladosti, one more addition to the Ludbreg tourism offer. 


One of the most popular parts of the Saturday programme was the family competition, starting at 14:00, with challenges including tug of war, jumping in bags, frisbee, and an egg and spoon race. 

Attention then turned to the river, with the chance to try out kayaking and canoeing. 


And the evening session turned to zumba and fitness. 

You can get a sense of the fun of the day in this video above. 

Active Ludbreg summer continues - you can find the events for the rest of the week below, as well as following the latest on the dedicated Facebook page


For a more comprehensive look at this rather unusual town, check out the TC Ludbreg in a Page guide

Tagged under: ludbreg
