
Croatian Tourist Numbers for 2021 Overtake Those of 2020

By 19 August 2021

August the 19th, 2021 - Croatian tourist numbers for for the remarkably good summer season so far in 2021 have well and truly overtaken the figures from the whole of last year, which was dominated by the pandemic, issues with travel and no vaccine.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, according to data from the Croatian eVisitor system, 55.3 million overnight stays have been realised in Croatia since the beginning of this year, which exceeds the number of overnight stays from the whole of 2020, when 54.4 million overnight stays were realised in the entire twelve months of the year, the Ministry of Tourism and Sport announced.

Of the total number of overnight stays realised in 2021, 46.6 million were realised by foreign tourists, while 8.7 million were realised by Croatian tourists. Since the beginning of this year, 9 million tourist arrivals have been realised, meaning that 1.2 million more tourists have visited the Republic of Croatia this year than last year.

"Given the trends in the travel industry, our goal was to maintain the stability of the tourist system, preserve jobs and the recognition of Croatia as a safe tourist destination. We want to continue with these results and that is why it's important that we all continue to adhere to the epidemiological measures. This creates the foundations for next year and the continued development of Croatian tourism.

This year has first of all shown that safety and quality are crucial in choosing a destination, and that guests are willing to pay even more for that. Ultimately, our desire is to create sustainable tourism in which the focus is not on the number of tourists who come, but on the quality and on tourists who will consume as many offers in destinations as possible, generate more spending, which will further encourage new investments in tourism,'' said the Minister of Tourism and Sport, Nikolina Brnjac.

Looking at Croatian tourist numbers for 2021, there were 46 percent more arrivals and 37 percent more overnight stays recorded than in the same period last year. Compared to the same period in record, pre-pandemic 2019, 61 percent of arrivals and 72 percent of overnight stays were realised. More than a million tourists are currently in Croatia. Most of the foreign tourists are Germans (297,000), Poles (81,000), Slovenes (74,000) and Italians (61,000).

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