December 2, 2021 - Preparations for the TCN Split winter tourism round table on December 13 are underway, with the Split-Dalmatia Chamber of Economy inviting interested parties to a pre-round table tomorrow.
The reaction to the TCN Split winter tourism round table initiative has been really encouraging. The event, which will take place at Chops Grill on December 13, has most of the main key stakeholders confirmed, including the Mayor of Split, Ivica Puljak, the Deputy Zupan of Split Dalmatia County, the State Secretary from the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, as well as consultants and representatives from the local tourist board, hotels, restaurant and MICE sectors.
Work is underway to prepare for the event, with several meetings to prepare and allow the voices of tourism businesses to be heard.
TCN is very grateful to the Split Dalmatia Chamber of Economy for issuing the following call to interested parties, as well as hosting the event.
Thank you.
pozivamo sve dionike turizma grada Splita, čija je djelatnost cjelogodišnja, na preliminarni sastanak na temu produljenja sezone koji će se održati SUTRA, u petak 3. prosinca u 13 sati u Županijskoj komori Split.
Naime Total Croatia News organizira okrugli stol na navedenu temu, a kao priprema će se održati ovaj radni sastanak s ciljem razmjene ideja sa svim dionicima turizma u gradu Splitu.
Vaše je mišljenje potrebno kako bi priprema za okrugli stol bila što kvalitetnija, a samo održavanje okruglog stola predviđeno je 13.12.2021.
Okrugli stol će biti jedna od rijetkih prilika na kojoj će se većina dionika u turizmu sastati izravno s gradonačelnikom i nadležnim tijelima u turizmu i zračnom prometu, a cilj je produljiti izravne letove za Split s područja najmanje dva emitivna tržišta te definirati program koji je izvediv, efektan i dugoročno održiv.
Ukoliko vaša tvrtka ima ponudu koja se može razviti za cijelu godinu i imate ideja za produljenje sezone, ovim putem vas pozivamo da se pridružite radnom sastanku. Sastanak će se održati uz pridržavanje svih epidemioloških mjera te je stoga broj sudionika ograničen.
Prijava je obavezna najkasnije DANAS DO 20 sati na mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. s osnovnim podacima (ime i prezime osobe, ime tvrtke i osnovna djelatnost tvrtke).
Sve koji nisu u mogućnosti prisustvovati radnom sastanku molimo da na mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. pošalju kratak opis svoje turističke djelatnosti koju obavljaju, ili mogu obavljati, i tijekom zimskih mjeseci.
In English:
We invite all stakeholders in tourism in the city of Split, whose activity is year-round, to a preliminary meeting on the topic of extending the season, which will be held TOMORROW, Friday, December 3 at 1 pm at the Split County Chamber.
Namely, Total Croatia News is organizing a round table on this topic, and in preparation for this working meeting will be held to exchange ideas with all tourism stakeholders in the city of Split.
Your opinion is needed in order to better prepare for the round table on this topic, which was confirmed on December 13, 2021.
The round table will be one of the few opportunities where most tourism stakeholders will meet directly with the Mayor and the competent authorities in tourism and air transport, and aims to extend direct flights to Split from at least two emitting markets and define a feasible program that is effective and sustainable in the long run.
If your company has an offer that can be developed for the whole year and you have an idea to extend the season, we hereby invite you to join us at a working meeting. The meeting will be held in compliance with all epidemiological measures and therefore the number of participants is limited.
Registration is required by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with basic information (Name of the person, company name, and main activity of the company).
All those who are not able to attend the working meeting, please send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a brief description of their tourism activities that they perform or can perform during the winter months.