
Split Winter Tourism Roundtable Meeting Minutes & Action Plan

By 16 December 2021

December 16, 2021 - The first Split Winter Tourism Roundtable took place at CHOPS Grill in Split on Monday - a transparent publication of the meeting minutes and action plan. 

I had no idea what to expect from the TCN Split Winter Tourism Roundtable initiative, but I certainly did not expect it to be as productive as it was on Monday, or to have so much engagement from everyone present and a collective willingness to try and move things to the next stage. 

I will be publishing my own reflections on morning (and afternoon) of high energy, positive vibes, and an excellent extended lunch by CHOPS Grill, our very generous hosts for the roundtable. But for now, as promised, the minutes from the meeting and proposed action plan to get to the next stage.  


Date: December 13, 2021

Host: Jasmina Krušić and Chops Grill Steak & Seafood

Organisers: Total Croatia News (CEO Paul Bradbury & COO Daniela Rogulj), Maria Mustapić (Brasserie on 7, Zinfandel Food & Wine Bar, Charlies Bar, Split hostels), Jelena Tabak (Dujkin Dvor, Split Association of Caterers), Jasmina Krušić (Chops Grill Steak & Seafood)

Moderator: Michael Freer 

Attended by: Ivica Puljak, Mayor of Split, Tonči Glavina, State Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism, Alijana Vukšić, Director of Split Tourist Board, Joško Stella, Director of Split-Dalmatia County Tourist Board, Pero Bilas, Deputy Director of Split Airport, Joze Tomaš, President Split-Dalmatia County Chamber of Economy, Nataša Bušić, Secretary of the County Chamber for Tourism, Paul Bradbury, journalist and CEO of Total Croatia News, representatives of hotels (Nevena Antonini - Radisson Blu Split, Arnoud Zaalberg and Andrijana Mladina (Le Meridien Lav), Zoran Pejović (Paradox Hospitality), Marija Mustapić (Split hostels), Jelena Tabak (Split Association of Caterers), Ante Lacman (Intours MICE), Ivana Durdov (Secret Dalmatia), Chops Grill owner and host Jasmina Kruščić, and TCN minute taker Daniela Rogulj.

*The meeting was attended by a mix of the private, public, and charity sectors.

How can we improve everyone’s life in Split? Dalmatia? Croatia?


Split Winter Tourism Roundtable Goal: To come up with ways forward; get everyone on the same page; give our own opinions and ideas. 


What does Split already have for tourists in November? | What is Split missing in November?

What do we have?

Good weather 


*Bura in November - yearly statistical averages show that Split has the worst weather in the Mediterranean in terms of rainy days. Compared with other Mediterranean cities, this could raise an issue for Split as a city break destination.  


Active tourism 


*Olive picking, bike tours, hiking. 

*HGK has 10 tourism clusters, from active tourism to hotels. Congresses are held to bring together people who offer active tourism and accommodations, with activities for ages 7-77.

*HGK also has a cultural association and a diving association, all to extend the season and look past the sun and sea. 

*Winter sailing potential - totally different experience. 




*Jelena Tabak of the Split Caterers Association spoke about how the Split offer has changed in the last 5 years to become a culinary centre of Croatia, with a better offer than Zagreb. Restaurants are the last part of the land-service offer chain. Gastronomy is very important and caterers are struggling to get locals back in town (they are going to shopping malls instead). Caterers trying to create a local offer, because without locals, there are no tourists. 

*Gastro festivals in November won’t be possible if terrace prices increase in town. Caterers are waiting for a new strategy, otherwise restaurants will be forced to operate seasonally (it would be the responsible thing for restaurants to do). Caterers need to know the strategy (if terrace price increase, it will destroy the fight they have won so far)

*November is wine month - keep in mind for future events.

*Arnoud Zaalberg has been in Split for 11 years. The restaurant offer has changed from catering to the masses to adapting to new flavours.

*Need to work on sustainability - see what is around us in Dalmatia, what we have/have lost over the years. People don’t want to work in fields as they aren’t supported. Restaurants need to work with local OPGs, as there are many great things around Dalmatia to help the culinary tourist offer.

*Istria is doing a much better job than Split, but the restaurant sector is going in the right direction. 

*Zoran Pejović added that gastronomy is not where it should be. While it is better than it was, and miles have been crossed, there is a difference in what you can get and how people perceive Split gastronomy abroad.

*Split is not a gastronomic destination - internationally people don't know what Split has. Split needs to find a new narrative/storyline to make the city distinct. 

*Slovenia is doing an amazing job thanks to one female chef - Ana Roš - who is single-handedly putting Slovenia on the world map. Croatia needs to find their Ana. 

*Split needs to create responsible activities. Our wine and olive oil are on par with the rest of the world, but there is no good package, no good narrative. We need to find ambassadors.  

Split vs. Dubrovnik | Car Launches



*Split needs to develop a long-term plan so we don’t turn into Dubrovnik.

*Andrijana Mladina believes Split needs to be more attractive with a lot more elements.

*The season in Dubrovnik is longer than in Split as they have a filming industry, car launches, hotels, and DMCs.

*Ante Lacman believes Split needs to be more flexible; be a partner instead of an enemy. 

*Intours is the regional leader in the MICE segment. There is an interest in car launches focused on the pre and post-season, but the issue is connectivity. 

*100 requests for car launch events - people are bored of the usual locations - Split could receive at least 1 million euro - they are always held in the offseason - big car names - but they fail due to the flight connections.


*Arnoud added that Split is missing 2-3k beds year-round. Split cannot compete with Malta in this segment - need 5-6 bigger hotels with 250 - 300 keys - and a convention centre to extend the season.

*Split has no real international hotels - why is everything opening in Montenegro? Because foreign investment is too difficult here.

*Zoran - Do we have empty beds? Yes. Do we have hotels? No. Hotels in Montenegro are there for both good and bad reasons. Split lacks hotels that will further the image of the destination. No hotels in Dubrovnik have helped to further international image - and Split is millennia behind.

*Split needs hotels that will help position the city on the market / add convention centers. 6-8 room hotels do not help the image of the destination.

*Andrijana believes Dubrovnik tourism was lucky with misfortune. Split took a long time to become ‘a destination’. Le Meridien helped make Split a destination.

Is there a city break offer? 

*If we have flights, we need experiences - hiking and kayaking are questionable due to weather. The Palace has potential for events in the basement (or indoor events) 

*November offer needs to be much better for people to visit, but we need to focus on the region first.

*Split is the only big city where the population is declining - no local life to give to travellers - empty old town - need events.

*Only bars and restaurants in the centre - we need to be a reason to get people into the centre- during the week there is nothing to do.

*Shopping is awful - no big or designer brands.

*Need to focus on the local market - ned to attract locals to Split in November.

*City break - 4 day work weeks? Need content for a 3-day weekends.


*4 UNESCO protected sites - big on the cultural map - small galleries - really talented people - private initiatives alongside with UNESCO - not explored enough in the offer 


What do we need?


*Pero Bilas said the good news is summer, the bad news is winter.

*This can be seen thanks to the figures - capacity fulfilled in the peak season - then it starts spreading into other months - but there is nothing in March if you don’t fulfil April, and so on.

*Need to focus on November tourism, not January tourism. 

*Extend flights for the first 12 days of November. Fulfiling November is a way we can continue.

*55 airlines for summer 2022 at the moment, which is comparable to 2019 (dependent on the pandemic). 5 million seats and more than 2 million passengers are expected in the 2022 season.

*No available slots in the summer.  

*Airlines slightly extend their schedule into November.

*This week - 55 flights total - load factor 47% - achieving 70% would be great. Example -  55 flights - 5,5000 seats one way (11,000 weekly). During the peak season, we have 120 flights. 

*In comparison this week, Dubrovnik has 27 flights, Tivat 34 flights, Zadar 6 flights.

*Can you negotiate with airlines on conditions? In aviation there is only summer/winter - Split Airport cannot make it conditional due to the IATA scheduling and Split Airport policy. 

*Split Airport policy on subsidised flights? Can we agree with Ryanair? Split has had several discussions with Ryanair - equal conditions for everyone. Ryanair requests more than anyone else - Split Airport can’t jeopardise other airlines. Ryanair already flies to Split all the time, no need for a base. 

*Can there be a call to action for winter slots? Hotels are flexible in the winter, why can’t airports be? Can the airport have similar actions? 

*Are landing rights the same in summer and winter? Can we make an incentive for winter time (passenger service drop down of 5 euro)?

*Split Airport pricing - honest figures. 

*Ryanair in Zagreb offers special discounts - big question mark on how.

*Split Airport reached Zagreb traffic - 3.3 million passengers in 2019. 

*Typical winter month at Split Airport is 30k passengers - that is a single Saturday in the peak season. 

*What is at Split Airport’s disposal to attract flights? Subsidies to promote the pre and post-season. 

*If two companies want slots in the season - how do you choose? Is it possible to offer a slot in the offseason if all slots are taken in the summer? Answer - everyone wants a summer slot. 

*No one will come to Split for a city break if they have to pay 500 euros for a flight.

*New cities - need to think about locals as well - need cities locals want to visit.

*Tonci Glavina - in 2017, the ministry started a subsidy flights program - invested 70 million kuna (10 million euros) 

- all charter airlines/land tour operators 

- 259 new flights in Croatia 

- great success 

- 10 million sounds like a lot of money but it is peanuts 

- several meetings with tour operators - Ryanair most - they’re in the business to make money 

- if they have low capacity, they won’t make money 

- Chicken and egg again - motives for arrivals to the destination - what will motivate guests to buy tickets? Ryanair flies to Split for free.  

Branding as Dalmatia 

*Tonci Glavina on Split winter tourism - to brand Split as a year-round destination, we need to brand Dalmatia. 

*All the main tourism products we offer cannot be had by themselves - Split will always be the centre but without Dalmatia it is nothing.

*In order for year-round tourism we need other products 

*Private and public sectors need to brand the image better - does Istria have better olive oil or wine? No, but better banding.

*We need to brand Dalmatia a destination and create motives for arrival.

*Flights - first direct flight from the US to Dubrovnik 3 years ago - Ministry invested huge political capital, no subsidies 

*American airlines - huge campaign in the States - United and Delta followed

*The government can help Split Airport 

*Joško Stella - we have 3 institutions doing the same thing - the season has extended in the last 5 years 

*To extend the shoulder season, we need to go stronger into November 

*Tourist boards have a big capacity (funds)

*Eurowings, Jet 2, easyjet, etc have the most flights in the most critical months, but everyone wants the same thing - more slots in summer 

*What is Split’s advantage? 55 airlines - if someone drops out, we don’t have a problem 

*We need to incorporate everything when looking at extending the season. Everyone needs to get involved. 

*Tourist Boards will subsidise events - 100k euros last year - especially pre and post-season activities 

*Conclusion from Split Tourist Board - we need to all work together - that is extremely important. We have prepared many events - working on ‘Gastronomy Month’ in November. 

Next Steps 


*Only two people at the meeting had funding so far from Tourist Boards. Suggestion - funding session with Stella, Puljak, and Vukšić to look at branding and budgets.

*Mayor Puljak - we need an even larger strategy - need Split to become an international city - 20-30% of foreigners will make it an international city 

*Ideas - Gastronomy month (October or November) - Month of Music - need to target a month that is outside the season (June or May) 

*Gastronomy action group - marketing, prices, looking at other examples  - Split Tourist Board, City of Split, Split-Dalmatia County all need to work together 

*Missing a branding strategy for Dalmatia and Split 

*The good news is that we don’t have a brand established yet 

Airport strategy

*How will we fill April and October and grow as well? Tourist experts should lead, but the airport will take part (with Split and SD County) 

*Who directly works with the airports in the Tourist Boards? 

*Need to create the product, not invest in flights 

*Split Tourist Board creating dozens of products every year, cooperating in education and events 

How can the private sector be more involved on a regular basis to speak the same narrative? 

*Through HGK - they are the link - they are a hub to connect 

*They act upon a problem 

*Need better cooperation

*Meetings are held to put out fires but not to plan  

Tonči Glavina - are we reaching the wrong conclusion? 

*2 years ago the Ministry introduced a new tourism reform system. 

*Tourist Board infrastructure - if it is run properly, it is headed by the mayor, with the Tourism Council headed by the Prefect.

*Members of Tourist Boards in Split and SD County are companies that pay membership fees.

*There is an annual meeting with the council - headed by Mayor or Prefect - to make decisions for the destination.

*Reorganizing the system gave more power to local tourist boards - regional tourist boards received more money. 

*Tourism policies are created here/executed here - needs to be done through the local government.

*HGK - part of destination management - needs to be involved as well.

*All synchronization needs to happen through these bodies - leadership needs to be involved 

*It is already set up - we just need to do better.


*We have the products, we need to do a better job. 

*Hotel Marjan revamp with bring MICE capacity. 

*Tonči Glavina is optimistic. 

*We do not need to create new products, but make the ones we have better and brand them better.

*Need to talk about extending the shoulder and preseason - not the winter (think about autumn and spring) 


Recap - final comments by participants 

Joško Stella: Next step will be to meet with the tourist council. We need to consider the entire region and what is best for the region. He will invite cooperation with HGK and other representatives to reveal the details of financial possibilities. We need to inform people about these possibilities.

Ivica Puljak: We have the system set up, but need to make it better. We are all represented already. Puljak is very willing to do it; excited to consume the opportunity. Build the brand of Dalmatia. Split-Dalmatia County is not recognisable.

Tonči Glavina: Split is the heart of Dalmatia - Dalmatia is the brand. 2,000 guests in the County right now, all 2,000 in Split. The government will support activities at the regional and local level - co-financing programs, etc. 2.2 billion kuna in EU funds coming to the Croatian tourism sector by next summer. They need to allocate funds for 2021-2027. They are working on a sustainable tourism strategy for the next 10 years - can help through the system. 

Alijana Vukšić: Better cooperation. We have to think together, we have time. We have everyone here, and many chances to work together.

Jelena Tabak: We will continue to cooperate with the city; hopefully the terrace prices go down. Caterers will fight to keep things open in November.

Maria Mustapić: We need to think about a plan and strategy to make Dalmatia more recognisable. 

Jasmina Krušić: We will continue working at Chops so that there are excellent offers for locals and tourists. We will work with Jelena and the Tourist Board to create a good plan for November. We need admin help with investments and events - this process is slowing us down.

Zoran Pejović: 200 million euro of investment in Split-Dalmatia County coming. The private sector needs to be the driving force. The government needs to help by lowering taxes. Allow tips to be non-taxable. We will have guests but no employees. We need to commission new research to know how many tourists come by car, plane, how markets see Split. We need global research, then work on a strategy together. 

Ivana Durdov: We are lacking products and need to work together to create the product. We have a lack of promotion. We invest a lot in marketing in general but not really promoting our services. We will promote Dalmatia as a brand through our channels (luxury tourism in the American market - travel in the offseason).

Paul Bradbury: We have a world-class offer 12 months a year - but are bad at telling people. Using video content through the eyes of digital nomads year-round is the way. We are developing a platform of authentic experiences all over the country to show there is life everywhere through digital nomads and remote working. Cromads is a great platform to move Croatia forward. I will ask for meetings with Stella, Brnjac, and others.

Ante Lacman: We have the top clients that exist in our sector. I have the clients, I need connectivity and accessibility. We need to join actions in terms of content/targeting which guests and flight companies we want. We have specialists in their own business but we need leadership. We are willing to help but we need Vukšić, Stella, and Puljak. Why can't we bring MICE? We need to look at all destinations, brand as Dalmatia, and work together. 

Pero Bilas: We need a short-term plan for November and a long-term plan. We need to brand the products and promote them. We need an incentive scheme. Everyone needs to participate. We will share all of our figures. 

Nevena Antonini: We need to brand Dalmatia, but we didn’t say who will do it. Who is the expert? Let's create a tender for a tourism expert.

Arnoud Zaalberg: Branding is just one side but won’t save the winter. What makes and breaks our year is the shoulder season (MICE). I have still not heard about a regional strategy/important project - what is the long-term plan for the Split area? Potentially a convention centre? This will make a real difference and the branding will fall into place. We need to look beyond 4 years. Create a focus group on the long-term strategy. How can we get 5 big hotels? Government projects - how will everyone’s struggles be solved? If the project is right, the road is right, the legal structure is right - we will have the way. Foreign investors are scared of Split, we need to make it easier - we need to set the framework better. How can the government make this easier? 

Adrijana Mladina: We all need to agree on where we see Split in 10 years. What do we want from Split? Car launches? Film industry? We need a clear picture of where we want to be.

Natasa Bušić: At the national level we have a tourist council of the chamber which brings together the private and public sector - we can do that for SD county. Bring in the head of each association with public authorities, and perhaps airport, etc. We can meet as often as possible for solutions to problems and create a long-term goal.

Joze Tomaš: The 3rd time we will succeed. We will work on problems. We need a better business environment in Split. Need to think about all sectors. 

Proposed Actions based on the above feedback 


  • to meet again at the end of January, in a speed dating style format so individuals get a better chance of sharing specific needs of the sector 
  • Meeting date TBD - between January 24 to 28, 2022.

Tonči Glavina - 

  • to provide an overview of the strategy so everyone understands how they can contribute 
  • to outline the new and improved ways that everyone can get involved in decision making as per restructured system
  • to support Ivica, Joško, and Alijana and to ensure inclusion of interested parties at an SDŽ and Split level

Joško Stella

  • To take a shared lead on creating an action plan for this year, especially October and November, with private partners sharing responsibility
  • To report back to his council, and to invite a representative of the private sector along
  • To set up an informational funding session in partnership with attendees, to ensure a large reach
  • To improve connections between SDŽ and private organisations to ensure the same message in marketing and to ensure collaboration rather than duplication
  • To work with TZ director Alijana Vuksic and meet with the initiative (Udruga Ugostitelja) on possible events for November

Ivica Puljak: 

  • To take a shared lead on creating an action plan for this year, especially October and November, with private partners sharing responsibility
  • to share which private sector representatives currently attend the council and vote on decisions at a county and local level

Alijana Vukšić

  • To take a shared lead on creating an action plan for this year, especially October and November, with private partners sharing responsibility
  • To improve connections between Split Tourist Office and private organisations to ensure the same message in marketing and to ensure collaboration rather than duplication
  • To report back to her council, and to invite a representative of the private sector along
  • To work with TZ SD-County director Josko Stella and meet with the initiative (Udruga Ugostitelja) on possible events for November

Jelena Tabak

  • To attend future strategic meetings set up by the City and County Tourist offices
  • To report back to caterers, and create an action plan and offer  for October and November, that will feed into the city and county offer

Maria Mustapić

  • To attend future strategic meetings set up by the City and County Tourist offices
  • To report back to the hostel industry, and create an action plan and offer for October and November, that will feed into the city and county offer

Jasmina Krušić

  • To attend future strategic meetings set up by the City and County Tourist offices
  • To report back to the restaurant industry, and create an action plan and offer  for October and November, that will feed into the city and county offer

Zoran Pejović

  • To partner with Ante Lacman and Arnoud Zaalberg, and gather the private sector attendees and create a list of recommendations and solutions, highlighting areas that need to be changed, including bureaucracy, financial elements, potential investments, MICE and research, and persons responsible, all of which can be presented and discussed next meeting
  • To attend future strategic meetings set up by the City and County Tourist offices

Ivana Durdov

  • To attend future strategic meetings set up by the City and County Tourist offices
  • To report back to DMCs and Tour Agencies, and create an action plan and offer  for October and November, that will feed into the city and county offer

Paul Bradbury

  • To attend future strategic meetings set up by the City and County Tourist offices
  • To maintain continuous communication with other news portals, both local and international, to ensure the branding is clear globally
  • To send a Cromads delegate to work with Ivana Durdov

Ante Lacman

  • To partner with Zoran Pejovic and Arnoud Zaalberg, and gather the private sector attendees and create a list of recommendations and solutions, highlighting areas that need to be changed, including bureaucracy, financial elements, potential investments, MICE and research, and persons responsible, all of which can be presented and discussed next meeting
  • To attend future strategic meetings set up by the City and County Tourist offices

Pero Bilas

  • To attend future strategic meetings set up by the City and County Tourist offices
  • To provide regular updates to interested parties about slots and flight capacity and opportunities and in turn actions needed to extend the season

Nevena Antonini

  • To attend future strategic meetings set up by the City and County Tourist offices
  • To continue working closely with large hotel chains in developing their offer and in turn attractiveness all year round

Arnoud Zaalberg

  • To partner with Zoran Pejovic and Ante Lacman, and gather the private sector attendees and create a list of recommendations and solutions, highlighting areas that need to be changed, including bureaucracy, financial elements, potential investments, MICE and research, and persons responsible, all of which can be presented and discussed next meeting
  • To attend future strategic meetings set up by the City and County Tourist offices

Adrijana Mladina

  • To attend future strategic meetings set up by the City and County Tourist offices
  • To continue working closely with large hotel chains in developing their offer and in turn attractiveness all year round

Natasa Bušić

  • To attend future strategic meetings set up by the City and County Tourist offices
  • To share all information about future meetings with all interested parties
  • To ensure meetings happen on a timely basis, and provide strategical direction and a platform based on feedback at the meeting (short term plans, long-term strategies)
  • To discuss with the private sector in Split and County how HGK can better support them in connecting to the public sector

Joze Tomaš

  • To attend future strategic meetings set up by the City and County Tourist offices
  • To support Natasa where possible with local initiatives
  • To support the private sector with their national solutions, especially around bureaucracy, funding, and attractiveness

Split Roundtable Media Coverage - December 13, 2021 


Dalmacija Danas:


