
Croatian Complaints: What do Foreign Visitors Moan About the Most?

By 7 September 2022

September the 7th, 2022 - When it comes to Croatian complaints, what precisely do foreign visitors to these shores moan the most about? Judging from a lot of what we've seen, the biggest complaints tourists have about the country are... other tourists.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, other tourists seem to bother tourists visiting Croatia more than much else does. Many visitors regret the times when visitors bypassed Croatia and instead simply went to Spain and Italy and Croatia remained somewhat of a secret to the crowds. Crowding bothers many tourists, and they also complain about bus and ferry transportation. But apart from criticism, there is also a lot of praise - primarily because of this country's utterly beautiful nature.

"Croatia used to be a cheap, niche destination because people mostly flocked to Spain and Italy. Now there are hordes and hordes of tourists everywhere you look. The ferry tickets sell early. Airbnbs and hotels are full. Tourist traps are everywhere - they'll charge you 50 kuna for a basic bottle of water. You can't even get an Uber. Long queues lead to each ticket office. All places, from restaurants to attractions, are full of tourists, and moving through the rivers of tourists on the steps is just awful.

I also don't understand why transportation is so confusing here, despite Croatia being a tourist hotspot. The ferry timetable is confusing. There are about four different operators with different opening hours. The ticket booths aren't easy to find because Google doesn't show them. When you try to buy tickets online, it says tickets are unavailable without explaining why, but when you get to the box office, you can buy tickets without a problem.

And yes, it's ironic that I'm complaining that the place is as touristy when I myself am tourist, but if I'd known all that, I wouldn't have come to Croatia," said a disappointed visitor on Reddit, who was advised by other forum members not to travel during the busiest times or to choose quieter destinations because Croatia has a long enough coast where everyone can find somewhere to their liking.

When it comes to other Croatian complaints, we move inland. One visitor to the stunning Plitvice National Park had a lot to say about the crowds. Crowds in the country's most visited national park during September, while there is still a solid number of tourists all over Croatia enjoying the lower temperatures.

"Plitvice National Park in Croatia was a disappointment. I expected less crowds on a Monday morning in September (not peak season, not a weekend). The reality: a park that is absolutely packed with hyperactive, selfish, bickering visitors. At one point I was trapped on the path and desperately tried to squeeze through the crowd to see the waterfalls," says a tourist who said he was told to visit Krka instead of Plitvice if crowds were an issue, as reported by punkufer.

It isn't all just Croatian complaints, however, and on the list of things that delight tourists is the beautiful nature and architecture, as well as the fact that, due to the low crime rate, you can walk freely even at night, without fear of being robbed. There are low prices and the generally friendly people are also a plus.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated travel section.
