
The Animated History of Hvar in 6 Minutes: Quite Brilliant!

By 13 September 2022

September 13, 2022 - A new animated history of Hvar brilliantly brings to life the rich history of Croatia's premier island. 

I missed this when it came out a month ago, but what a treat to start the day. 

The island of Hvar is on of Croatia's most elite destinations, with tourists coming for the beaches, the nighlife, the view, the lavender, the food, and the wine. 

Few leave the island knowing what a rich cultural destination it is, with millennia of fascinating history. An island which has more UNESCO heritage than any other in the world. 

But now, in just 6 minutes, you can learn so much in this brilliant animation fo the history of Hvar, which was posted on the official Hvar Town page on August 12. 

I don't know all the people involved, but when there is a cultural project about Hvar that has the involvement of legends such as Zorka Bibic and Sime Fio, you know it is worth watching. 

And it took me a while to realise who was the owner of the voice with the excellent narration - none other than TCN sport editor, Daniela Rogulj.

The prodcution team in full (and a chocolate biscuit each for all):

Video and Audio Editing: Matko Petric

Illustrations by: Dalibor Popovic

Script Supervisor: Zorka Bibic

Screenplay by: Filip Antonio Lizatovic

Production Supervisors: Filip Antonio Lizatovic and Sime Fio

Input of Historical Data by: Zorka Bibic

Supervised by: Sime Fio

Photography Archive: Rade Bencic

Narration: Daniela Rogulj

Special Thanks to: Katija Vucetic

Directed by Dalibor Popovic, Filip Antonio Lizatovic, and Matko Petric.

A really nice addition to the promotion of a beautiful island that was my home for 13 years. 

Looking to learn more about Hvar Town? Check out the Total Croatia Hvar in a Page guide

For the latest news from the island of Hvar, follow the dedicated TCN section

Tagged under: hvar
