It has been quite a while (over three years) since I last updated the island guidebook, Hvar, An Insider's Guide.
The guidebook was the first step on the road to forming Total Hvar and everything that followed, so it will always be close to my heart, even if it did not turn into a very successful financial project. It was an interesting journey into the world of self-publishing, self-distribution and trying to keep track of multiple sales points, not always successfully.
Technology has thankfully moved on since then and, as I learned with the self-publication of my last book, Lavender, Dormice and a Donkey Named Mercedes, self-publishing today requires much less risk and legwork, for those genuises at Amazon have not only invented the Kindle, but also a print on demand product where an unknown author can be in the world's biggest online bookshop, not invest any money in stock and enjoy free distribution as well.
After several positive comments about the book this summer, as well as more questions on when the next edition will be out, I have decided to update the guidebook for the 2016 season. The book will be available in paperback and on Kindle via Amazon ONLY. I am not going to print physical copies and run around trying to sell them, as I did previously. The Amazon route is also better for visitors who will have the book delivered to them before they travel.
In addition, I will be offering a double book option for those who want a copy of the guidebook and a copy of Lavender, Dormice and a Donkey Named Mercedes (you can read more about the book and the Amazon reviews here).
The 2016 edition will have some expanded sections, and while I will be doing my own research, I am happy to consider any business or activity for inclusion. Lots has changed since the 2012 edition (and there were some omissions), so if you have something new in the last three years and would like it considered for inclusion, please email me on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with subject title 'Hvar 2016'.
The updated guide will have new/expanded sections in the following areas:
1. Hvar for kids
2. The Hvar wine bar scene
3. A guide to Hvar hostels
4. A guide to Hvar's indigenous products, and where to buy them
5. Day trips from Hvar
6. Hvar's UNESCO heritage
7. Hvar shopping guide
8. A comprehensive guide to the Pakleni Islands
9. Getting married on Hvar
All suggestions welcome. I plan to have the book online by Christmas, and the beauty of Amazon and print on demand is that updating the book (when events/ferry schedules come out) is a 5-minute job, rather than a total reprint, so there will be book for early 2016 travellers, and a more current version for the summer visitors.
Thanks for your support and kind comments on the Hvar guidebook. It was a project, and a fun one, and I am looking forward to the updated version. If you are interested in advertising in the book, or would like to investigate some bulk orders, please contact me on the email above.