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Why Kids are Allowed to Smoke on Hvar

By Ivana 3 February 2016
"Why are these kids smoking?", was my instant reaction when I saw this picture. Seeing these young children holding cigarettes and smoking publicly made me follow the link and read the article published by otok-hvar.com.
Candlemas, a Christian holiday celebrated annually on February 2, was yesterday. It celebrates the presentation of the child Jesus and his first entry into the temple - Jesus considered by Christians to be the "light of the world" and the ancient customs of candle blessing is probably where this holiday comes from.
In Hvar town, there is a rather unusual tradition connected to this holiday. Kandelora, they call it in Hvar. People gather on this day at the Kruvenica church to pray and - to light a cigarette. According to otok-hvar.com nobody, not even the oldest people in Hvar, can remember anymore, how this tradition got started, but somehow the celebration of light, fire and candles let to smoking cigarettes on Candlemas in Hvar town.
So, in Hvar town, there is this one day, when even Hvar kids are allowed to light a cigarette in front of their parents and the only day, when even non-smokers would smoke, because of the custom.

For more pictures and the whole article, follow this link.
