What's On This Month?

Interested in Eco-Agriculture? Get Your Information In Hvar Town

By 2 April 2016
I spent the early afternoon in my garden, planting salad. It was rather hot, although the sun was hidden by clouds, perfect weather for gardening. When I was done, I looked around and noticed several butterflies flying in the neighbouring garden and bees buzzing around the broccoli flowers and felt really happy, that these gardens are so full of life. Bugs, bees and worms, these small creatures are so important and they are welcome in my garden.
I am really only a beginner. I started last year, but am really keen to do the gardening in a sustainable way. There is so much for me to learn. Permaculutre sounds really good, but it is something I know very little about.
I only have a small garden, but it is enough for a small family like ours to grow veggies and fruits. With the generous climate we have on Hvar, I can see the huge potential of this place to produce most of its food locally. Doing it in a sustainable way is what we need. I hope that more and more people recognize this and turn to ecological ways of growing food on the island. How?

Here is an announcement from Eco-Hvar published yesterday - A Lecture about Eco-Agriculture to take place on April 7, 2016 at the Hvar Loggia at 19.30.

Maria Ševar, one of the leading experts in eco-agriculture in Croatia will hold a lecture about the advantages and disadvantages, rules, the eco-labelling, financing and certification.
In addidtion to Ms. Ševar, LAG-Škoji representative will inform us about their local development strategies and about the situation and perspectives of eco-agriculture in this region.

The event is being organised by Dignitea Association, Eco-Hvar Association and LAG Škoji. Be there to get some great information..
