Zagreb's average net salary for June this year was higher than the national average.
The average net salaries of employees in Zagreb for June amounted to 6,972 kuna, which is nominally 0.7 percent less than a month earlier, but 6 percent more on an annual basis, according to the data of the City Office for Strategic Planning and Development of the City of Zagreb, reports on September 22, 2017.
The average monthly salary for June was 5 kunas less than for May and 379 kunas higher than for June last year. In comparison with the average monthly salary on the national level, which amounted to HRK 6,005 for June, Zagreb's average net salary for June this year was higher by HRK 967 or 16 percent. In the first half of this year, however, the average net wage in the City of Zagreb was 6,927 kuna and was nominally 5.4 percent higher than in the first half of 2016.
Statistical data for Zagreb show that people employed in the extraction of crude oil and natural gas sector had the highest average net salaries for June, which amounted to HRK 12,150, followed by employees in the pharmaceutical industry earning an average of HRK 10.503, employees in the manufacture of computers and electronic and optical products with an average salary of HRK 10,0.50, and employees in the financial services sector, excluding insurance and pension funds, earning an average of HRK 10.072.
By contrast, employees in three different business sectors received average salaries of less than four thousand kunas for the month of June- the average for other personal services sector amounted to HRK 3,866, while the average net salary in security and investigation activities was HRK 3,855 and in the production of clothing HRK 3,830.
Average salaries of just over HRK 4,000 for June were received by employees in service industry related to the management and maintenance of buildings and landscaping and maintenance (HRK 4,011) and by employees in the hospitality industry (HRK 4,091).
According to data from the City Office for Strategic Planning and Development of Zagreb, average salaries of employees in Zagreb for June amounted to 9,733 kunas, nominally 0.02 percent less than in May and 4.2 percent more than in June last year.
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