
US Ambassador against Russia's Entry into INA

By 12 April 2018

INA will soon get a new CEO, but possibly also new owners.

US Ambassador to Croatia Robert Kohorst commented on Thursday on some of the latest events – the crisis in Agrokor, the construction of a floating LNG terminal on the island of Krk, and the possible purchase of part of INA, Croatian national oil company, by Russian investors, reports N1 on April 12, 2018.

What do you expect from the Croatian government, how should it resolve the issue of the LNG terminal on Krk?

The United States is not the one constructing the terminal. We are just helping the Croatian government in this project, which is of strategic importance for the whole region. We encourage the government to complete the project, but we also think that people who are worried about the project should launch a dialogue with the government. The government should listen to them and prepare a project that would be good for all people in Croatia.

Should the government insist on the LNG terminal despite the opposition?

Almost every project has people who support it and those who are against it. I think the government should listen to all those concerned and decide what is in the best interest of the majority of people.

You had an argument with the Russian ambassador about INA.

At the end of the day, the decision is always based on the open market principle. However, I still think that it is not in the interest of Croatia to have a Russian investor in this project.

How do you see the situation in Agrokor? Russians will have a majority stake in Agrokor.

I have no comment.

In other INA-related news, the media reported on Thursday that Zoltan Aldott would leave his post as the CEO of INA, which is currently owned by the Hungarian MOL oil company and the Croatian government. He will be replaced by Sandor Fasimon, the current Chief Operating Officer of MOL.

According to unofficial information, Aldott will leave the company soon. The current head of INA is one of the most prominent opponents of the process which has been launched by the Croatian government, which wants to purchase MOL’s shares of INA and sell them to another investor. Many see Aldott as the most significant stumbling block in negotiations between the government and MOL.

Translated from N1.
