Academic Choir "Concordia discors" to Host Concerts in Split and Dugopolje

By 19 April 2017

Concordia discors is a mixed choir which is composed of hundreds of student members, mostly from the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb. 

The Academic Choir "Concordia discors" from the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb is making their way to the coast!

A mixed singing choir that came to fruition in 2010, Concordia discors brings together hundreds of members from different faculties in Zagreb. The choir is also one of the most successful student choirs which is confirmed by the many victories and awards they’ve received from various national and international competitions. 

The choir has been profiled through their previous achievements as an institution that promotes national culture, inter-regional cooperation, and youthful enthusiasm in a modern way. Since it is particularly important that those values are shared, over the last two years the choir has regularly performed throughout Croatia and has received numerous calls to sing in neighboring countries.

Thus, the time for Concordia discors to visit Dalmatia has arrived, and two upcoming concerts are scheduled for Split and Dugopolje! 

In Split, the choir will perform at the church Sv. Dominika on Friday, April 21st. Guests in attendance will be the Academic Choir of the University of Split "Silvije Bombardelli'", youth choir Our Lady of Health, klapa Sorelo with Education and Rehabilitation Facutly in Zagreb, and klapa Mriža. The concert will begin at 20:00.

A day later the choir will host a concert in Dugopolje at church Mihovila. Guests in attendance will be klapa Sorelo, klapa Kolura and KUD Pleter. The concert will begin at 19:30. 

Apart from the cultural character, there is also an educational nature to the choir's trip to Dalmatia. The members of Concordia discors will visit the sights of Klis and the natural resources of the municipality of Dugopolje (Vranjaca Cave). This cultural event promotes the traditions of choir singing, encourages connecting students from all parts of Croatia, and explores the natural beauty and attractions of Croatia through socializing.

Everyone is invited to enjoy this wonderful program! 
