Inland See

Dinko Šimunović Bust, Sinj Sights

By 3 February 2018

It was sculptured by Ivan Meštrović in 1932, honouring the special edition of Šimunović’s narration Alkar. At that time, Šimunović was seriously ill with little money so that a group of prominent artists initiated a reissue of his Alkar. They included Vilko Gecan, Joza Kljaković, Fran Kršinić, Omer Mujadžić, Vanja Radauš i Marijan Trepše. Miroslav Kirin was the author of the dust jacket design.

“... The huge Sinj field in the hot summer sun seemed even greater because of the bluish mist concealed to the eyes of the far away hills. Everything was calm in the midday heat, and the distant, distant mountains of stone became even bluer, peaking still behind that low, thin mist. It seemed as the whole Krajina was in a grand summer sleep, or as it was resting after the angry fight and heroic deeds ...” (an excerpt from D. Šimunović's Alkar)

Source: TZ Sinj 
