International Folklore Meeting this Week in Split-Dalmatia County!

By 19 July 2018

From Thursday, July 19th to Sunday, July 22nd, folklore lovers will enjoy international folklore dance, vocal and musical traditions fostered by guest folk groups from Russia, Macedonia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, at the International Folklore Meeting which is organized by the members of KUDs "Ante Zaninović" from Kaštel Kambelovac, "Branimir 888 - Muć" from Muć, "Pleter" from Dugopolje and "Dalmacija" from Dugi Rat. 

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Thursday 19.07. starting at 21:00 in Kaštel Kambelovac (at the church of Sv. Mihovil)

Friday 20.07. starting at 21:00 in Dugopolje (at Trg Domovinske zahvalnosti)

Saturday 21.07. starting at 21:00 in Donji Muć (on the outskirts of Radača in Doji Muć)

Sunday 22.07. starting at 20:30 in Dugi Rat (Poljički trg)

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Gudi Gorazdo from Russia (Moscow)

Folklore group Ayfas from Czech Republic (Brno)

Folklore Ensemble Goce Delčev and Center for Education and Non-Traditional Ethno-Ilinden Folklore and Folklore from Macedonia (Bitola)

Folklore Subor Sabinovcan from Slovakia (Sabinov) 

Croatian Cultural and Artistic Society "Donja Rama" from Bosnia and Herzegovina (Gračac).

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The program of each folklore evening will be complemented by the hosts and their guest ensembles from Croatia.

