The First Šatorovanje pod Kamešnicom in Trilj!

By 15 June 2016

The first Šatorovanje pod Kamešnicom, an event combining mountaineering with traditional local products is coming to Trilj June 17-19!

The intention of this special event is to bring mountaineers together to hike ​​Žlabina and mountain Kamešnica, as well as to introduce the local traditional fare of the region (i.e. cheese, honey and beekeeping).

Here is the schedule of events:

Mountaineering shelter Žlabina (Kamešnica)

Friday 06/17/2016

09:00 - Welcome guests, start gathering mountaineers

- Application at the information desk

- Tents

- The possibility of getting to know the terrain (short trip)

- Evening campfire

Saturday 06/18/2016.

 09:00 - Climb to the Kruge

 - Tour lasts 2 hours and 30 minutes (planned return to Žlabina about 14 hours)

 15:00 - Presentation of honey, bee products and cheese from local producers and owners of family farms

 15.30 - Free lunch for all participants

 21:00 - a campfire with live music 

Sunday 06/19/2016.

08:00 - trip to Brljuše, return trip to the cave Golubinke (Ledenice)

 - The estimated time of the trip is 3 hours and 30 minutes

 In the evening, the descent towards Voštanima will begin


 For further information, please contact:

 Milan Vuco - 099 670 4781

 Josipa Vinković - 095 854 9132
