Blagdana Gospe Karmelske, a celebration honoring Our Lady of Karmel is happening in Trilj from July 13-16.
Here are the festivities:
Church Program
July 13-15
19:00 | Rosary and holy mass led by Fr. Antonio Mravak, associate pastor of Our Lady of Sinj in Sinj
July 16: Blagdana Gospe Karmelske
09:00 | Morning holy mass
19:00 | Solemn holy mass and processions
Spearheading: Tomislav Čubelić, priest from Cathedral Sv. Duje in Split
Cultural Entertainment
July 13
20:00 | Lecture: "The War Against Man” by Josip Mužić at the Museum of Trilj
July 15
20:00 | Concert in honor of Gospe Karmelske at the Lapidary Museum of Trilj
Klapa Luna from Kožino, Zadar
Folk singers “Lady of the Island” from Solin
Church choir at St. Mihovila Ark from Trilj