The Sinj “Velika Gospa” is this Month!

By 1 August 2016

The famous Sinj Assumption (Sinj Velika Gospa) takes place this month on August 15th. As with any celebrated event, there is a schedule of activities, beginning as early as the night before the assumption.

Here is the program for the Sinj Assumption at the Catholic church “Gospa Sinjska”:
Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven - Assumption
Vigil the Lady (Sunday, August 14th)
At 18h, there will be mass at Trg Dr. Franjo Tuđman, chaired by Jure Bogdan, military bishop (a small procession with photos)

Morning Holy Mass in the Sanctuary (Monday, August 15)
04h, 05h, 06h, 07h and 08h
07h - St . Mass at Our Lady's Castle
9.30h - procession of the City and St . Mass on the dr . Franjo Tudjman, chaired by Marin Barišić, metropolitan archbishop
Holy Mass in the Sanctuary in the afternoon - 14h, 15h and 16h
18h - Evening St . Mass on Trg Dr. Franjo Tudjman, chaired by Fr. Joško Kodžoman , provincial ( small procession with photos)
