“72 Hours Without Compromise” is an international volunteer project for young people, encouraging volunteerism while promoting solidarity, unity and creativity. The project aims to bring together high school students and young workers, displaying how working together can help people and transform the environment in which we live.
The project found its origins in Germany in 2001, and a year later, Austria immediately joined. So far the project includes the countries of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Switzerland, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria and Slovenia. This is the third time the project has been organized in Croatia, and this year, in addition to Zagreb, Split and Dubrovnik, Sinj and Zadar have joined the effort.
The project in Sinj came as a desire to give young people something new, something that will enrich them in their daily lives - an effort to give young people something that will encourage them to come out of their comfort zone and boldly face assigned tasks, discover undiscovered talents, and share the talents they already have.
Student Catholic Center Split (Skac_ST) is one of the organizers of the project and its implementation into the city of Sinj will help the youth community Miraculous Lady of Sinj and Frama Sinj, with the support of the parish priest fra Perica Maslaća and Antonija Mravka.
Young people will join forces from October 13-16, uniting their time and skills to put their services towards the actions of impoverishment, the needy, and those who are excluded from society through environmental actions, creative actions, physical labor, and fundraising to name a few.
The project will be jointly opened on Thursday, October 13 with a holy mass celebration at 18h in the church Čudotvorna Gospa Sinjska.
The volunteering effort on Friday and Saturday, October 14 and 15, will be dedicated to cleaning up what is dirty, fixing what needs repair, cheering up the sad, and encouraging the sick. The closing of the project will be on Sunday, October 16 in Split, at the church Sv.Andrija on Sućidar, with Mass beginning at 11h.