The secondary school center in Imotski held a bridge tournament organized by the Bridge Club "Imotski tref". In addition to traditional bridge tournaments "Modro jezero" (Blue Lakes) and "Crveno jezero" (Red Lakes), the Seventh Klupsko Team Championship of the Adriatic was also held.
In the three days of competition, there were more than 150 participants in the tournament. The pair Vilić and Mašić won the pairs tournament "Modro jezero", with the tournament "Crveno jezero" won by pair Jančić and Radić. The Seventh Klupsko Team Championship Adriatic was won by Rijeka, reports Dalmacija News.
Image by Ante Juroš
Bridge is a trick-taking game using a standard 52-card deck. It is played by four players in two competing partnerships, with partners sitting opposite each other around a table. Millions of people play bridge worldwide in clubs, tournaments, and for leisure, making it one of the world's most popular card games. A full affirmation of the game in Croatia is still expected for the future, as currently many just aspire to play bridge as a possibility of electoral selection in schools or for recreation, although the sport has gained in popularity with growing memberships throughout Croatia.
The organizer of the whole event, Rafael Lozo, summarized for Dalmacija News that “the organization of the tournament, I must point out that the whole event went according to expectations. We try to be a better host for our guests, to make all of them feel comfortable in our city. The obvious trend is recognized because every year we have an increasing number of competitors in the tournament, which I am very happy with,” said Lozo.
The tournament was attended by Jurica Carić, President of Bridge Federation Croatia, who is also a member of many different European and World Bridge Associations. Carić looked back at a bridge tournament in Imotski, and current bridge trends.
“In my career I have participated in thousands of bridge tournaments around the world. I played against Bill Gates, played in pairs with Omar Sharif, took part in the tournament which gathered several thousand participants and who were featured in the world's most prestigious destinations and most luxurious hotels. However, this enjoyable tournament in Imotski had so much friendship, warmth and cordiality, which is rarely found, and therefore I am always happy to come to Imotski.”
The organization of the whole event was helped by the Imotski Tourist Board along with a large number of enthusiasts and lovers of the game in the Imotski region.
After the end of the tournament, a party was held with rich local cuisine, organized by the students from the Crafts - Industrial school in Imotski.