
Last Croatian "Princess" Fights for Freedom – 1991 Video Goes Viral

By 17 January 2017

A video with a Croatian “princess” from early 1990s resurfaces.

Croatia has not had a king, queen or a royal family for almost a thousand years, but that does not prevent royal pretenders from occasionally resurfacing and calling themselves “royal highnesses”, reports RTL on January 17, 2017.

In recent days, when Croatia celebrates the 25th anniversary of its international recognition as an independent country, a video from 1991 resurfaced in which “the last Croatian princess” Susan Radić gives an interview to American TV channel and speaks about the war in Croatia which was going on at the time and about the need for the United States to recognize Croatian independence. While any form of public pressure on then US government to help Croatia was certainly welcome, the fact that she falsely pretended to be a princess certainly did not help increase her credibility. In the interview, she was presented as “the last of the Croatian royal bloodline”.

“People who know that I am alive look at me as the princess of Croatia and as a rightful heir to the throne”, said Susan modestly in an interview with a local television station. Of course, in reality no one knew who she was and people in Croatia had much more important things to do at the time then to think about heirs to an non-existing throne.

The interview was filmed and aired at the beginning of the Homeland War, when a vigil was organized in San Francisco, urging the US authorities to recognize the independence of Croatia.

Susan explained that her grandfather had fled Croatia from the Nazis and that members of the Croatian royal family were going through hell during communist regime in Tito’s Yugoslavia, which supposedly wanted to kill them for the independence they allegedly represented. She even went so far to claim that her life was in danger because of her public appearances.

The self-proclaimed Croatian princess and the last of the Croatian royal bloodline still likes to think of herself as a princess, as evidenced by her Facebook page.

Tagged under: croatia usa
