
Poreč is Only Croatian City to Officially Support Eco-Production

By 10 January 2018

Poreč is miles ahead of the rest...

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 10th of January, 2018, at the founding conference of Organic Cities Network Europe (OCNE), which is a network of European cities for the promotion of ecologically grown food held in Paris, France, the only Croatian representative that participated was the Istrian coastal town of Poreč.

These European cities are jointly planning to strengthen ecological production across the European Union and develop viable nutrition plans. An agreement was signed on cooperation in the advancement of organic agriculture and the use of organic products, as well as in supporting companies that produce healthy food.

"With this, we can confirm that we're a town of top quality ingredients which introduces olive oil, fish, local fruit and other local products into kindergartens and schools. This is just the beginning and and with promotion, we'll continue with this food,'' stated Loris Peršurić, Poreč's mayor.

''At the EU level, the ecological food market is worth 27 billion euros, and farmers have about 400 thousand hectares of land available,'' stated Ivan Jakovčić at a press conference, at whose call Poreč joined OCNE.

On the eco food market, Croatia is worth about 99 million euros per year, putting it in ninth place in the EU, and eco-farmers have all the more means at their disposal.

Thus, back in 2016, 91,000 hectares of land were kitted out for this purpose, while in 2010, there were only 16,000 so-called ''eco'' hectares.

"Consumers can fully trust that products with the EU logo for organic production don't have pesticides in them," reassured Jakovčić.
