
Lend a Hand: Zagreb Citizen Offers Help to Neighbours During Cold Wave

By 27 February 2018

As temperatures continue to drop, we should all reach out to our neighbours who need help to deal with the winter cold

Considering the sub-zero temperatures we've all had to face in the last couple of days, we could surely use a heartwarming story, right? The Facebook group Zakaj volim Zagreb (Why I love Zagreb) delivers right on time, sharing a lovely message which popped up at the entrance to a building on Zinka Kunc Street, in Savica neighbourhood.

The photo shows a message put up by a tenant whose name was redacted, offering a helping hand to the neighbours unable to cope with the adverse weather conditions on their own. The text reads:

Dear neighbours, if in these cold winter days you need assistance when going to the store, the pharmacy, the doctor's office or anything of the sort, feel free to contact me, followed by a telephone number.


It didn't take long for the message to go viral, eliciting many a delighted response from readers all over the country. "A proper good neighbour. But back in the day, before we all became so estranged, this used to be a normal thing", said one commenter.

That's a good point: as temperatures continue to drop in the next couple of days, remember to offer assistance to citizens in need, especially those who are sick or old and thus uncapable to face the winter cold. It doesn't take long to check whether some of your neighbours need groceries, medicine and other basic neccessities, and in case you have some extra food or warm clothing to spare, consider making a donation to a local homeless shelter.
