
Croatia Coronavirus COVID-19 Health, Stats, & Travel Update: March 14, 2020

By 14 March 2020

For the latest March 20 update click here.

March 14, 2020 - There are 37 confirmed cases of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Croatia. Foreign nationals entering Croatia from infection hotspots will be subject to a 14-day quarantine, while a 14-day self-isolation is required for Croatian citizens.

Information on countries and areas under travel restrictions for passengers arriving in Croatia can be found here (courtesy of Croatia Airlines and updated March 12).

New Information for Passengers Entering Croatia

1) All foreign nationals entering the Republic of Croatia having visited the following countries/territories in the previous 14 days:

  • Italy
  • Iran
  • China (Hubei province)
  • South Korea (Daegu city and Cheongdo province)
  • Germany (Heinsberg county in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia)

will be subject to compulsory 14-day quarantine at their own expense.

2) All foreign nationals entering the Republic of Croatia having visited the following countries/territories in the previous 14 days:

  • France
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Spain
  • Germany (except area listed above)
  • Austria
  • Great Britain
  • Netherlands
  • China (except area listed above)
  • South Korea (except area listed abouve)
  • Japan
  • Hong Kong
  • Singapore
  • Malaysia
  • Bahrein
  • Slovenia (area Bela Krajina)

will be subject to compulsory 14-day self-imposed isolation. Foreign nationals that do not have residence in the Republic of Croatia must have evidence of booked accommodation.

3) All Croatian citizens entering the Republic of Croatia who have visited countries/areas listed in 1) and 2) will be subject to compulsory 14-day self-imposed isolation/quarantine.

4) For some of the most commonly asked questions about coronavirus in Croatia, check out this TCN FAQ guide, which was published on March 14.

*Follow this page for updates on the coronavirus in Croatia from Total Croatia News. Contact numbers for epidemiologists, travel advisories and measures for preventing the spread of the coronavirus can be found here.


Thirty-Seven Coronavirus Cases in Croatia

As of March 14, 2020; thirty-seven coronavirus (COVID-19) patients have been reported in Croatia: 14 in Zagreb, 8 in Rijeka, 6 in Pula, 5 in Varaždin, 2 in Sisak and 2 in Osijek (Numbers on map updated).

  • The first patient from Zagreb became infected during his stay in Italy. The two other patients are close contacts. The fourth patient recently returned from a ski trip in Austria. The fifth patient recently came back from a conference in Munich. Five new cases were confirmed Wednesday and Thursday and the patients returned from trips to Austria and Germany. Three more cases were confirmed on Friday: a child, a soldier and a contact of the soldier. Another case, confirmed Saturday, returned from Spain.
  • A patient from Rijeka became infected during his stay in Italy. Several other patients had contact with the first patient. The total number of cases is now eight.
  • The first patient from Varaždin spent time in Italy. The second case is a truck driver who had been in Italy and was in preventative self-isolation. The third and fourth cases are close contacts of the driver. A fifth case returned from the United States, via Europe.
  • Six patients in Pula had returned from Italy.
  • The first confirmed patient from Sisak returned from Italy. The second returned from Spain.
  • Two new cases from Osijek were in contact with an infected person from Zagreb.

More than 5,547 people are dead from the virus, which originated in Wuhan City, China; and over 148,923 cases have been confirmed globally. There are 68,099 cases outside of mainland China and 17,660 in Italy. 

UPDATED: March 14, 2020 14:00 CET (Central European Time)

Croatia National Civil Protection Headquarters Update

In Croatia, five new cases of coronavirus infection have been confirmed which brings the total number of cases to 37 as reported by Index. The National Civil Protection Headquarters reported the new cases at their morning briefing, which began at 8:45 CET. And the Ombudsman for Children appealed to the media to maintain high professional standards, especially when reporting on children.

COVID-19 Croatia Patients, Tests, Health Surveillance and Quarantines

So far, a total of 37 patients have been confirmed in the Republic of Croatia, two of whom have recovered.

So far, a total of 616 samples have been tested and 24 more are currently being tested. To date, 6300 people from areas affected by the new coronavirus have been placed under health surveillance. In Croatia, 47 persons are quarantined.

New Cases are Imported or Close Contacts

The Director of the Croatian Institute of Public Health (HZJZ) Krunoslav Capak emphasized that these were still cases of imported cases and close contacts of earlier confirmed patients.

The Director of the Civil Protection of the Republic of Croatia Damir Trut added that another person is expected to be confirmed during the day.

Second Twin Brother Recovered, Released

Capak also said the second twin brother, who was the first to be infected, has recovered. He is negative at the 48-hour test interval and will be released home during the day.

He reports that up to 500 people in Croatia have been tested so far. He said that everything is ready for testing at two locations in Zagreb, which would mean that 160 to 200 tests per location could be done in four shifts. "We can start right away. We have done some testing, and everything is working fine," he said.

Capak Addresses Border Crowds, Self-Isolation Orders

When asked about crowds at the border, Capak replied that they could not let people across the border without obtaining an order for self-isolation.

"From now on, border inspectors will not print the order, but will give official notices to those who arrive from countries marked as category two. The inspector only needs to take their first and last names, phone numbers and where they are traveling. This procedure will take two minutes. The official notices are being completed at HZJZ right now,” Capak said.

The form should be completed today, after which it will be distributed to border crossings.

Capak believes that it is far more important to enforce self-isolation control than penalties for violating self-isolation.

He confirmed reports about the migrant who did not adhere to self-isolation measures and indicated that it was a man from Syria who had returned from Austria.

"It's difficult to control in Porin (hotel near Zagreb designated for asylum-seekers), and this is non-disciplined person. We did our best to quarantine him, I don't know if we were successful. I'll get an update and provide a follow up later," he added.

Pirnat Dragicevic: Do Not Publish Information on Infected Children

Considering that there is one child from a kindergarten in Zagreb infected with the coronavirus so far; Ombudsman for Children Helenca Pirnat Dragicevic urged journalists and editors to adhere to the highest level of professional standards and to protect the welfare of the child in their reporting.

"The role of the media is extremely important, and one with great responsibility given that you play an important role in transmitting information. Children are not excluded from this situation, they are a vulnerable group and it is extremely important not to disclose a child’s information, identity, or disclose information that would allow the public to determine which child is involved, or which child came into contact with an infected person," she said.

It is important, as the ombudsman pointed out, that the approach isn’t sensationalist "which is certainly not in the public interest, and solely to the detriment of the child concerned."

Noting that the City of Zagreb had published information about the child and a kindergarten, she said that citizens and services should publish only verified information and protect the privacy of the child.

School Suspended for Two Weeks Starting Monday

As of Monday, classes in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools and higher education institutions will be suspended for two weeks. Distance learning will be organized by the Ministry of Science and Education. Children up to the age of 11 will be looked after in kindergartens and schools if both parents work and there is no other option.

Postponing, Cancelling Events Over 100 Recommended

It is recommended to further postpone any gatherings and organized gatherings which would be attended by more than 100 people. It is recommended that public events of sports or entertainment are not held at all (night clubs, concerts, etc.).

It is also recommended to hold sports competitions without spectators.

Croatia and Regional Daily Updates

(Updates provided by Index)

16:00 - Strict new measures have been announced for Istria, including the closing of all cafes and restaurants for a month from tomorrow. More on TCN here.

13:17 - Dubrovnik is suffering huge losses due to coronavirus, and the season has not even started. 

13:13 - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic called on citizens today to trust the country and not stockpile home supplies, saying that there are enough products "for a year" and that "no one will go hungry".

13:06 - Ivan Djikic, a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, explained why so many people became infected in Italy in the short span of time.

"You are fighting an enemy, but you don't really know where it is. It happened in China. Then, through rigorous measures, they were able to do something that many admire. They were able to stop the danger on their territory. The virus was brought to Italy from China. And it was spread not by one patient, but by a dozen or even a hundred. Italy did not know about these cases because no one was doing the right epidemiological analysis of the people who were working in China," explained Djikic of Italy's problem in an interview on HRT.

12:45 - Another 16 people entered quarantine in Split last night.

12:43 - This is how the Zagreb Arena Center looked Saturday afternoon. Arena is one of the busiest shopping centres in Croatia.


Photo Credit | Index Reader

11:46 - European Parliament proposes new plan to help hospitals in Europe fight the coronavirus. Parliament Speaker David Sassoli said on Saturday that all European countries would receive assistance for their health systems.

This includes providing materials to hospitals and funding research to develop a coronavirus vaccine as soon as possible.

In addition, Sassoli announced financial assistance to help maintain jobs and keep the economy stable in the EU states. the European Union has provided at least 37 billion EUR to its members to assist with economic issues.

11:34 - Germany and Italy have increased respirator production in their respective countries to respond to the pandemic that is yet to come.

According to Reuters, Germany has ordered 10,000 respirators, while Italy has ordered 5 thousand respirators. One respirator is about 15,254 EUR.

10:40 - Zagreb Mayor Milan Bandic downplayed the risk of coronavirus infection at first. Now he has changed his tune and is paying for ads in the media which warn of the danger.

10:30 - Among the newly infected is a married couple from Slavonia. They were previously infected by a son-in-law. Everyone is in stable condition.

9:42 - Both twin brothers, the young men who were among the first infected in Croatia, have recovered from the coronavirus.

9:40 - The National Caterers Association has submitted a proposal for self-isolation measures and job placement in the hospitality industry. The proposal, signed by Marin Medak, president of the National Association of Caterers, was sent to President Milanovic, the government, the ministries of tourism, the police and economy, the City of Zagreb and the Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts.

9:20 - There are five new confirmed cases in Serbia.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic delivered bizarre address to the nation in which he tried to explain how they wanted to cheat Germany because of respirators.

9:00 - The new Slovenian government, which held its first session immediately after the parliamentary confirmation ceremony on Friday night, has set up a coronavirus epidemic headquarters with Prime Minister Janez Jansa at the helm. Every member of the government wore a face mask at the session.

8:45 - At the morning press conference of the National Civil Protection Headquarters, it was revealed that there are 37 recorded cases in Croatia, which includes 5 new cases.

7:30 - Hungary has introduced drastic measures. Prime Minister Viktor Orban said all schools were closing. He added that this would probably last for months.

(Updates provided by Index)

Live World Coronavirus Updates

  • Live world updates from CNN here.
  • Live world updates from The Guardian here.
  • Live world updates from Al Jazeera here.

Live Health Organization Coronavirus Updates

  • Live updated international map tracking spread of coronavirus from Johns Hopkins CSSE here.
  • Live updates from the World Health Organization (WHO) here.
  • Live updates from the Croatian Institute of Public Health (daily updates at 15:00 CET in Croatian) here.

Total Croatia News Coronavirus Coverage

  • Coronavirus in Croatia: 5 New Cases Brings Total to 37, Initial 2 Patients Recovered - here.
  • FAQ Coronavirus Croatia: Your Common COVID-19 Questions Answered - here.
  • Konzum Prepared, Issues Request to Croatian Coronavirus Stockpilers - here.
  • NP Krka: “National Park Open, Acting in Accordance with Instructions” - here.
  • Minister Maric Sends Out Message to Croatia's Coronavirus Panic Buyers - here.
  • Croatia National Team Will Not Gather in March, Euro 2020 Questionable - here.

UPDATED: March 14, 2020 14:00 CET (Central European Time)

For the latest March 20 update click here.

*Follow this page for updates on the coronavirus in Croatia from Total Croatia News. Contact numbers for epidemiologists, travel advisories and measures for preventing the spread of the coronavirus can be found here.

