
Croatia Coronavirus COVID-19 March 16 AM Press Conference: 56 Cases, 7 New

By 16 March 2020

March 16, 2020 - In Croatia, 7 new cases of coronavirus infection have been reported today, which is a total of 56 since the outbreak of the epidemic, among them two doctors from KB Dubrava and one doctor from KBC Rebro. Three people have recovered.

At 9:00 CET, a press conference of the National Civil Protection Headquarters was held at which new information on the coronavirus in Croatia was published, as reported by Index.

Yesterday, the Croatian authorities extended to almost all of Europe the range of countries from which they will have to self-isolate for 14 days after entering Croatia.

It is recommended to further postpone all rallies and organized gatherings attended by more than 100 people. It is recommended that public events of sports or entertainment are not held (night clubs, concerts, etc.) and competitions without spectators.

There are seven more people infected, Minister Beros confirmed. Thus, the number of cases increased to 56. Three people have recovered, which means that 53 active cases of infection are in Croatia.

Coronavirus COVID-19 Case Breakdown

25 – Zagreb
10 – Rijeka
7 – Osijek
6 – Pula
5 – Varazdin
2 – Sisak
1 – Karlovac

56 – Total Cases
0 – Deaths
3 – Recovered

"We are entering the third phase," Beros said. "The headquarters is carefully considering all the measures it adopts. They are based on expert and scientific input. We have the broadest picture. Thanks also to everyone who is adhering to the measures," Beros said.

"For the sake of our credibility, we ask everyone not to take hasty action. It is important that we fight the threat together. We listen to everyone who has an opinion, but the profession must lead the way," Beros said.

Capak: 9,000 in Self Isolation in Croatia

Krunoslav Capak said it was important to maintain a balance between a good epidemiological situation and the severity and breadth of the measures. "It would not be a good idea to close everything, life would stop, and things could not function. We epidemiologists have to propose to the Headquarters and the Government two measures that we think are prioritized," Capak said. We have 9,000 people in self-isolation, he added.

"The coronavirus problem is a widespread and social problem, and we are working not only within Croatia, but in close contact with colleagues in the environment and at EU level to create a framework where everything can flow as little as possible. We have worked intensively on this. Truck transport of goods, goods, medicines, food works in the way that we have established nine convoys, seven of them have gone to Serbia, one is in Novska," said Minister Bozinovic.

"The EU has banned the export of certain medical supplies, masks beyond borders, to allow circulation of what is necessarily maintained within the member states," Bozinovic added.

Bozinovic: 174 Self Isolation Violations

"I have to commend the emergency services, the border police officers who are preventing illegal migration and who are working under the new system," he said. 174 reports of violations of self-isolation were detected. 40 people were reported, Bozinovic reported.

New Cases: 5 Zagreb, 1 Rijeka and 1 Karlovac

Beros revealed that one of the new cases was one from Rijeka, one from Karlovac and five from Zagreb, including a doctor from Rebra. The Rebra doctor became infected with having people back from skiing, Beroš said, praising his quick reaction and the quick reaction of the Rebra staff.

"He was interviewed in self-isolation yesterday, and it was done in detail and we learned all his contacts. It is very important that KBC Rebro is extraordinarily organized. Epidemiologists find an organized and controlled situation. We talk to everyone who has been in contact, epidemiologists will each contact to contact and check," Capak said.

"A small problem with the evacuation of KB Dubrava has arisen, more contacts of people who have been infected have been detected. So, we will not make a total evacuation. 100 patients will remain in KB Dubrava," Beros said.

"The clinical picture of all patients is milder, there are no patients with significant complications. We will probably have someone more severely ill in the near future. We can expect it to be 3 to 5 percent infected," Beros said.

Capak: Focus Shift to Healthcare System Preparation

"Our initial strategy, to discover contacts and follow up, is now changing. It is important now that we prepare the healthcare system to accommodate more cases and more serious cases," Capak said.

"We have to carefully balance between stricter and what is needed. We have to avoid the Italian scenario; all our measures have proven to be right. Our health system is ready," concluded Beros.

Finally, it was noted that the measures recommended by the Headquarters should be adhered to.

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