Made in Croatia

Poreč's Bura Beer Targets Germany

By 29 April 2018

As Croatia's craft beer revoluton continues, one Poreč brewery is doing exceptionally well out of it.

New beers from this Istrian brewery can be found in around 120 places across Croatia.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 29th of April, 2018, the Poreč craft beer company has launched three new products: IBA - Istrian Belgian Ale, Trippin'Tripel, and Hurricane IPA.

"As true beer lovers, we've decided to extend our offer for several reasons, and the main thing is that we love exploring new recipes, so we want to offer more choices for our customers, so besides Optimist Golding Ale, Redsand Amber Ale, and Tornado IPA-Istrian Pale Ale, we decided to create two more Belgian beers, which we really love,'' explained Veronika Beckers, founder and head of administration and finance at Bura Brew.

New beers from this brewery can be found in around 120 places across the country, in fiften shops in Italy, as well as in Switzerland and Austria. Beckers praised the growing number of establishments looking for their beer.

"The market we're interested in, and in which we already have a lot of contacts, is Germany, but we want to focus most on our main market in Istria. In two years, we became one of Poreč's attractions. Last year, around 1500 tourists from all over Croatia and Europe visited us, they met us, tried and bought our beer, and took tours around our brewery,'' added Beckers. As the Belgian style of new beers is known for its yeast, its long fermentation period, and barley malt and hops. Along with IBA - Istrian Belgian Ale and their Belgian triple known as Trippin'Tripel, they brewed a more distinctive IPA compared to the Tornado.

"Unlike Tornado IPA - Istrian Pale Ale, which has abundant hops and a significant amount of fat, Hurricane IPA is dominated by a larger quantity of hops, resulting in green and tropical fruit flavours, with a prolonged and decisive bitterness,'' described the founder of a brewery.

The initial recipes for the beers were planned extremely carefully. Although the first results were satisfactory, they had slightly altered the parameters for next time to achieve the desired outcome.

"The market has responded very well, people value our beers and style, they're not pasteurised and filtered, they're also refermented in the bottle, which is why natural yeast sediments are created at the bottom of the bottle, which acts as proof that it's a healthy product,'' concluded Veronica Beckers.
