
Croatia Expecting Another 'Muddy Rain'

By 31 May 2018

May 31, 2018 — If your plans include a trip to the carwash, wait. The vehicle may change color this the week.

Meteorologists at Croatia's State Hydrometeorological Institute predict a filthy phenomena may hit the country this week: "muddy rain." The precipitation, a usual storm mixed with sand from North Africa, leaves a brown or yellow coating of particles.

The "muddy rain" occurs with some regularity throughout the entire country, but most often focuses on the coastal region.

The rainfall occurs only under certain conditions: when the south/southwestern flow of the atmosphere is particularly high (about 5,000 meters), then falls into lower-level cloud systems, mixing sand and moisture as well as other particles such as pollen to produce an unsightly accumulation left on cars, shutters and streets.

The phenomena isn't exclusive to Croatia. Other areas of the Mediterranean close to Africa, including Greece, can also get a dumping from the Sahara.

It would not be the first time "muddy rain" hit this year; Zadar was coated with the grainy precipitation back on April 16.

The sandy rain doesn't present an immediate danger to the local populace. At worst, it burdens many with an unexpected trip to the carwash. (The author's rundown, farm car, seen below after the last "muddy rain", wasn't among them. The dog is another matter.)

