Saturday, 2 July 2022
July the 2nd, 2022 - Croatia is very well known for its varied and extremely rich gastronomic offer which alters dramatically from region to region, but just how many Croatian restaurants have Michelin stars? As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, with the new Michelin selection, all previous Croatian restaurants holding the prestigious Michelin star have successfully retained that designation, the Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ/CNTB) announced on Thursday the 30th of June. These are the following Croatian restaurants: Pelegrini (Sibenik), 360º (Dubrovnik), Monte (Rovinj), Noel (Zagreb), Draga di Lovrana (Lovran), Boskinac (Novalja), LD Terrace (Korcula), Nebo (Rijeka), Alfred Keller ( Mali Losinj)…