
Croatian Politicians React to Trump’s Victory

By 9 November 2016

Prime Minister Andrej Plenković congratulated Donald Trump.

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković congratulated Donald Trump, the winner of the US presidential elections, adding that he was sure that Croatia would have good relations with the new administration in Washington, reports Index.hr on November 9, 2016.

“I would like to congratulate him on his victory. We respect the will of American voters and I am sure we will establish good relations with the new administration”, said Plenković to reporters in Opatija.

“Croatia will continue to build its relations with the United States”, said Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Davor Ivo Stier. “Our position is very clear. We will continue to be allies with the United State”, said Stier to reporters. “Croatia and the United States are allies in NATO. This is important for Croatia, it is important for our foreign policy priorities in the southeast of Europe. In this respect, NATO has always had the key role for peace in Europe”, he said. He pointed out that the role of the United States was essential for international relations, international peace and stability. “We are confident that we will have stable relationship through bilateral cooperation with the USA and work together for the stability of Southeast Europe”, said Stier.

Zagreb Mayor Milan Bandić was delighted with Donald Trump’s victory. He posted on his Facebook page a photo with props from the Trump campaign. In the media, Bandić said he was the only European mayor who supported Trump for president of the United States. On the photograph, he is joined by Vladimir Kraljević, the owner of the Miss Universe license for Croatia, who introduced Bandić to Trump.

MP Peđa Grbin (SDP) said he had been following American politics for year. “Citizens of the United States have opted for Donald Trump and that is a decision that we have to respect regardless of all the uncertainty and fear that it brings. I do not remember that there ever was a candidate who gave such chauvinist, xenophobic and racist statements like Trump. I really hope that he is just a deceptive populist who used the lowest urges of citizens in order to achieve his political objectives, because if he really intends to implement what he was saying in the campaign, then there are dark years ahead of us.”

MEP Dubravka Šuica (HDZ) said that America was not strong enough to elect a woman for president. “This is a surprise considering all the polls. I would prefer that a woman was elected. However, his conciliatory speech this morning shows that he will seek to unite the United States. I do not think he would try to implement his promises, such as the one about the wall between the USA and Mexico. Obviously, he said it just so he would win. America is too serious a country and there will be a whole team around him, so he will certainly not be making all the decisions”, said Šuica.
