
United States Donate Two Vans to Croatia to Detect Hazardous material

By 13 June 2019

ZAGREB, June 13, 2019 - Interior Minister Davor Božinović on Wednesday signed a grant agreement with United States Ambassador William Robert Kohorst setting out the conditions for the U.S. donation of two vans with top-notch equipment for the early and efficient detection of hazardous substances.

According to the agreement, the USA will donate the two vans with equipment for the early and efficient detection of hazardous substances including chemical, biological, radioactive and nuclear material.

The document also defines conditions for cooperation between Croatia's Interior Ministry and the US Department of Energy regarding the prevention of illegal trade of nuclear and other radioactive substances, the Interior Ministry has reported.

The US will also conduct training courses in the use of that equipment which will improve the capacities of Croatia's police in combating that form of smuggling, the Interior Ministry said in a press release.

The value of the donation which will be implemented by the end of the year is about $ 400,000.

The ministry said that over the past two years it had developed cooperation in different security areas - combating terrorism, crackdown on smuggling rings, suppressing organised and grave crime and all with the aim of developing capacities and better exchange of information to facilitate effective responses to contemporary security challenges.

More news about relations between Croatia and the United States can be found in the Politics section.
