Students, Teachers, Croatian National Council in Serbia Members Visit Sinj

By 22 April 2022

April 22, 2022 - On April 21, the city of Sinj was visited by students, teachers, and members of the Croatian National Council in the Republic of Serbia (HNV), the umbrella institution of the Croatian community in the Republic of Serbia.


The visit to the city of Sinj began at the Sinjska Alka Museum, where they were welcomed by Miro Bulj, Mayor of Sinj and Member of Parliament, and Denis Bobeta, Deputy Mayor. The Mayor addressed the guests led by Nataša Stipancevic, HNV Education Assistant, and Don Tomislav Vojnic, and welcomed them to the knightly city of Sinj, emphasizing the importance of this meeting and the desire to continue good cooperation.


Namely, the Croatian National Council in the Republic of Serbia covers four areas: education, information, culture, and the official use of the Croatian language and script. Teaching in the Croatian language in the Republic of Serbia has been taking place since 2002, through comprehensive classes as well as through the elective subject Croatian language with elements of national culture and extracurricular activities, all with the support of the Republic of Croatia, project funds and donations. One of such extracurricular activities is this small graduation excursion intended for eighth grade elementary school students in Croatian (Matko Vuković Elementary School - Subotica, Matija Gubec Elementary School - Tavankut) as well as students attending the elective course Croatian language with elements of national culture in places outside Subotica (Elementary school Ivan Goran Kovacic - Sonta, elementary school Aleksa Sanitic - Vajske).


In order to gain a better insight into Sinj's exceptional historical and cultural heritage, students and members of the Croatian National Council in Serbia (HNV) accompanied by Goran Ugrin, a friend of HNV, and Monika Vrgoč, director of the Sinj Tourist Board, visited the Sinjska Alka Museum, whose exhibition was conducted by Tomislav Barhanović, curator, the Church of the Miraculous Lady of Sinj, the Museum of the Cetina Region, conducted by curator Danijela Banović Petričević, and the Kamičak Fortress.


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