Sunday, 3 July 2016

First Decline in Croatian Public Debt Since 1999

At the end of the first quarter of this year public debt amounted to 38.44 billion Euro, or 626 million Euro less than at the same time last year

Saturday, 2 July 2016

Tanker Worth 40.8 Million Euro Launched in Brodotrogir

This is the second such tanker built in the shipyard for the maritime company Trogir Maritime, with the first one launched last year

Saturday, 2 July 2016

Over 50,000 Croats Relocated to Germany Just in the Last Year

In April the authorities in Berlin introduced a legal bill to drastically limit access to social benefits for EU immigrants

Saturday, 2 July 2016

“If we Bring in the Euro, Croatian National Bank Loses All Authority”

The head of Croatian exporters and Končar Management President Darinko Bago believes the expedited introduction of Euro won’t happen and that such a move must be seriously analyzed before any decision

Friday, 1 July 2016

Happy Tax Freedom Day - Do You Know What it is?

The taxpayers association Lipa congratulated all workers the Tax Freedom Day on Friday. A worker with an average salary, married, with one child, from Zagreb, non-smoker, owning a car, works for the state 181 days a year, Lipa members counted

Friday, 1 July 2016

Intersport Sold to Polish Buyer, Modiana to Goran Kristan

All segments not a part of the core business have been removed from the Mercator brand

Friday, 1 July 2016

More Employed in Industry, Productivity on the Rise

Croatian industry had 0.3% more employees this May than in April, but also 0.4% less than in May of 2015, while total industry productivity is up by 6.5%

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Bellabeat Owner Decides to Treat All Employees to Canary Islands Vacation

Since the summer heat in Zagreb can be intolerable, while the summer months are unproductive, they decided to move the entire team to the Canaries

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Will Brexit Expedite the Introduction of Euro Currency in Croatia?

Eight EU members who do not use Euro as a currency may have to urgently introduce the joint European currency due to Brexit

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Tedeschi: We’ll See What Plenković Can do for HDZ, my Friendship With Milanović was not Beneficial

Podravka would in synergy with Atlantic Group achieve significantly higher growth rates and it is blasphemy to say it is the pivoting company for agricultural production in Croatia, said the Management President of Atlantic Group Emil Tedeschi, in the Pressing show of N1 television, calling out the Tax Bureau for mobbing entrepreneurs

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