With a difference of 20%, the two Nikolas enter the second round for Prefect.
Prime Minister Plenković comments on political events.
One of the party’s most prominent members is not a member anymore.
There were no raised voices, the conversation was completely open and PM Andrej Plenković wanted to hear the answer to only one question. Why now, and what is the exact reason why, after supporting Zdravko Marić and Gordan Jandroković, did HDZ Presidency member Zlatko Hasanbegović decide to be a candidate on the list of independent candidate Bruna Esih for the Zagreb Council.
MP Hrvoje Runtić claims that HDZ offered him benefits in exchange for his vote.
The person at the centre of the government crisis speaks.
An overview of possible scenarios in the days ahead.
Latest updates on the government in crisis.
Live updates about the current governmental crisis.
Government on the brink.