April 30, 2020 - Hvar Tourist Board director Petar Razovic talks about what can be expected in the season ahead.
"In the best forecasts for this tourist season, we are dreaming of 30 percent of last year's traffic," said Petar Razovic, director of the Hvar Tourist Board, when asked about the expectations for this tourist season.
HRTurizam reports that Razovic said forecasts reveal that they will have between 50 and 60 thousand arrivals and a maximum of 150,000 overnights.
"I can safely say that in the 150 years of Hvar tourism, the town of Hvar has not been disadvantaged in terms of the tourist season," Razovic said.
Although it is difficult to predict anything as nobody knows what the situation will bring in a month, the reality is that we can hardly expect significant tourist figures this year, assuming that the situation changes significantly for the better and borders are opened.
However, although we need to be realistic, that does not mean that we don't have to be optimistic, do everything we can to try to activate the tourist market, and be ready to welcome whatever type of tourist season awaits.
Thus, Hvar is preparing for the season as if everything is in order, so that everyone, from restaurants to private renters and hotels, will be able to satisfy the measures prescribed by the National Civil Protection Headquarters.
The leaders of Hvar tourism have so far been tourists from the US and the UK (65% of all overnight stays), or regions most affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Now, however, the focus is changing to the markets of Germany, Slovenia, Austria, but also Croatia.
“Last year, we had 30,000 arrivals and about 100,000 overnights from Germany, Slovenia, and Austria, while from Croatia, we had 10,000 arrivals and 50,000 overnights. These figures are small for Hvar, but if we had that this year, we would be satisfied. Of course, it will be impossible to close the gap with the lack of tourists from those major markets, the US and the UK," says Razvoic.
"Prices will go down 10 to 15 percent on average. There are also plenty of canceled reservations in private accommodation, and guests who have already booked reservations before August and who have not canceled so far are sending apartment owners inquiries about changing their booking as soon as possible. There will be no reduction for hotel accommodation, but there will be an increase in services," Razovic says.
When asked what that means, Razovic points out that guests will get a deluxe room for the price of an ordinary room.
In the end, Razovic emphasizes that they are preparing as if everything is going according to plan.
"We all live in the hope that the coronavirus will go away, that it will simply disappear and that we will have a normal tourist season," Razovic concludes.
To read more about travel in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.
April 24, 2020 - The final word on Za Krizen 2020, as the webcam stats show how truly international this year's attendance was - the most popular, most socially distanced Za Krizen of all time?
The final chapter in TCN's extensive coverage of the 2020 Za Krizen religious procession on Hvar - the attendance report, with some clues from the webcam stats of two cameras installed for the procession.
In 1943, this 500-year-old UNESCO procession almost did not take place due to the wartime occupation of the Italian fascists. In 1944, it took place in a refugee camp in the Sinai Desert in Egypt. The biggest threat to the continuity of a procession which is almost part of the genetic makeup of the people of Hvar came in 2020, however - coronavirus.
As already covered on TCN (check out the Za Krizen reports here), permission for the procession to go ahead was given for just 15 people per procession, a far cry from the hundreds if not thousands who traditionally follow each of the six Maundy Thursday processions through the night in Jelsa, Pitve, Vrisnik, Svirce, Vrbanj and Vrboska.
And the Hvar police made sure that the procession would go ahead with strict controls. As one of the few people fortunate enough to get a permit to cover the event, I tried to capture as much of the evening as possible for others - and my eye-witness account was very different to second-hand reports that appeared elsewhere in the media - you can learn more in Za Krizen 2020, Croatia Not Wuhan & Cabin Fever Perspectives.
It was a very strange night, but help was at hand for those who could not attend this year's procession, in the shape of a charismatic Hvar postman and an Austrian sitting at home in Graz.
TCN regulars will be familiar with Tomislav Zupan, my favourite postman on Hvar, who gave a legendary insight into life as a postman on a Dalmatian island a few years ago. It remains my favourite interview on TCN.
Tomi is blessed with the best terrace in the world to watch events on the main square in Jelsa, and he was very kind to keep the beers cold for the 2Cellos concert a few years ago. No doubt over a cold one, he came up with the idea to put some webcams in on his terrace and in the main Jelsa church for Za Krizen, together with his lifelong friend Jean-Pierre from Austria, who has visited Jelsa every year since 1974 - even during the war - and already operates two webcams in Jelsa.
And so it was that at 22:03, the time that Za Krizen was about to start, Tomi and Jean-Pierre's webcam recorded the rather unusual sight of a totally empty main square.
Except for me.
So how many people tuned in to Za Krizen 2020? It was announced through various channels, and TCN FB carried it live with a pinned post. The answer is that we don't quite know the full story, but what we can report from the webcam stats from the church as the procession was starting was that there were 7,356 people watching when the server crashed.
To put that number in context, there are normally between 1,000 and 3,000 people taking part in the Jelsa procession.
But in the weird year of 2020, with only 15 participants and 4 journalists recording the event, it was attended virtually by a record number of people.
And the webcam stats show us just how international this year's event was.
Here are some stats from the church on the Thursday night from a 3-minute period.
Quite an international gathering, isn't it?
I asked our webcam heroes if they had a more detailed breakdown of the number in Croatia to give us an idea perhaps how many people from Jelsa had stayed home and were watching via webcam. The breakdown was interesting.
Zagreb - 2,430
Split - 786
Jelsa - 697
Zadar - 235
Sibenik - 232
Hvar - 124
Rijeka - 123
Other - 284
It should be remembered that these stats were for a 3-minute period in the church on Thursday night.
By Friday morning, the main square webcam had recorded more than 46,000 visits.
And here, if you missed it, was the dramatic ending.
Tomi, Jean-Pierre, MANY thanks for your great efforts. It meant a lot for so many people all over the world, and you truly delivered the most attended, most socially distanced Za Krizen procession in its 500-year history.
To learn more about Za Krizen, check out the dedicated TCN section dating all the way back to 2011.
How does a Scottish lockdown on Hvar look? The view from the Quaich Experience in Vrbanj through the eyes of owner Chris Connor.
Mick and I left the UK in 2009 and created The Quaich from an old ruin which had not been lived in since WW1II, the Quaich Experience. With hindsight I’m not sure I would do it again but we finished up with not a bad place to spend this recent lockdown! I know our children are happy we are here on Hvar rather than back in UK at this time. But how I miss them!
Vrbanj is a very quiet little village even during normal times so at the moment we are grateful to hear a donkey heehaw or even a dog bark. Thankfully our little village shop is open and we have been allowed to travel within our ‘Opcina’ area which is Stari Grad so the Big Tommy has been our go to for food and gin!
On my worst days I cry and mope about but a FaceTime with my grandchildren always picks me up again and of course my Mick who is always ‘splendid’ bless him. My rock. Normally at this time I would be flying back to Sussex to spend time with my little family but alas……….
I was a little too late to get to the Frizzer (hairdresser) before the lockdown so in a moment of rashness allowed Mick to shave my head. After two weeks it’s starting to look not bad. For a while I did resemble Ian Beale from Eastenders!
We are not the kind of folk who can watch endless Netflix or daytime TV so finding projects to keep us busy has been a challenge. It started with renovating the odd chair we would find at the bins but we have now moved on to making toys for the grandchildren from old timber! On wet days (not had many of them) jigsaw puzzles and knitting for me and Mick is still able to find some old football matches or rugby.
All in all we are doing OK although must admit not looking forward to the humid nights and the mozzies!
We have had a lot of cancellations but still hopeful for July when we still have some guests booked in and as we have all this spare time The Quaich is looking pristine and ready to welcome guests as and when. We rely on the income we receive during the summer months to get us through the winter so the future for us is a little uncertain financially but heyho! a day at a time for now.
Turning our thoughts to the future we realise that the very personal service we have provided at The Quaich will have to be toned down as I believe guests will be very cautious about leaving home for some time to come. Fortunately, we can be very adaptable in that respect - the cottages are all self-catering with lock boxes for keys so no need to have contact with us at all if that is what they prefer. Information regarding swimming pools is quite clear in that the normal chemicals used to keep water healthy will kill the coronavirus. Staying within the area of The Quaich can be like an isolation in itself and maybe for the future, guests may be looking for longer-term rentals. We can either stock up groceries for them or I think driving to us and bringing their own goods will become more the norm.
For those of you who know Mick and I and The Quaich, you will know that in the past couple of years we have been for sale. This is still the case for us. We have enjoyed our time here immensely but for me especially, it’s time to go home. Maybe our lifestyle here, whether as a holiday home or as a permanent home, will be far more appealing once the world gets back to some sort of normality. After all this is paradise and until we sell we are still welcoming guests.
Do you remember Terry Waite. He spent 1763 days as a hostage in appalling conditions.
He just told us all to stop complaining!
Change your mindset he said, you're not STUCK at home, you're SAFE at home
His advice:
*Keep your own dignity - get out of your PJs!
*Form a structure for the day
*Be grateful for what you have - shelter, home, possessions
*Read and be creative
Stay safe everyone xx
22. travanj, 2020 - 500 godina stara procesija Za Križen na Hvaru, koju je zaštitio i UNESCO, jedan je od rijetkih događaja koji su se ovoga mjeseca održali u Hrvatskoj. Pročitajte intervju s križonošom iz Vrbnja, Matteom Bratanićem i zavirite iza kulisa ovog događaja.
1943. godine talijanski fašisti ograničili su procesiju na samo 12 osoba po mjestu, a 1944. ona je održana u izbjegličkom kampu u pustinji Sinai u Egiptu. Procesija Za Križen koja se održava na Hvaru od 1510. godine 2009. je godine uvrštena na popis nematerijalne baštine UNESCO-a sastoji se od šest istovremenih procesija iz Jelse, Pitvi, Vrisnika, Vrbnika, Svirča, Vrbnja i Vrboske koje prate bosonogog križonošu dok kroz noć hoda preko 25 kilometara na hodošašću u molitvi. I dok je većina drugih događanja u Hrvatskoj ovoga mjeseca otkazana, Za Križen je kontroverznom odlukom dopušteno da se održi, iako u ograničenim okolnostima. Dok svake godine stotine ili čak tisuće ljudi sudjeluju u procesijama, Za Križen 2020 je bila ograničena na samo 15 osoba po procesiji.
TCN je bio jedan od rijetkih svjedoka procesije Za Križen 2020. Detaljan opis događanja možete pročitati u našem članku an see our detailed account in Jelsa Za Križen, Hrvatska nije Wuhan, i osjećaj kabinske groznice.
Pa, kako je bilo nositi križ tijekom najčudnije godine procesije Za Križen, i kako je to sve izgledalo iza kulisa? Zahvalan sam križonoši iz Vrbnja Matteu Brataniću na ovom fascinantnom i detaljnom izvještaju o procesiji, pripremama za nju i onome što je nakon nje slijedilo, iz perspektive jednoga od šest muškaraca koji su nosili križ.
Zapravo, nisam se sam prijavio da budem križonoša. To je učinio moj pokojni djed 2000. godine, kada je moj stric, dr. Andre Bratanić nosio križ. Tada sam imao 14 mjeseci. Nažalost, moj djed koji me prijavio preminuo je u rujnu prošle godine, tako da nije dobio prigodu vidjeti kako sam mu ispunio želju.
Čak su i ove godine pripreme normalno počele. Ljudi koji su bili uključeni u organizaciju procesije dolazili su u našu kuću na večere, „Kantaduri“ su uvježbavali pjesmu „Gospin Plac“ i zajedno smo vježbali pjesme koje se pjevaju kad se stiže u različita mjesta. Naravno, potrebno je pripremiti se i kroz crkvu, odlaskom na misu svake nedjelje, kroz ispovijed na početku Korizme i pomalo se duhovno pripremati za ono što dolazi.
Mentalno, morate si utuviti u glavu da to nije nešto nemoguće. Mnogi su prehodali 25 km noseći križ težak 8 kg i ti ćeš biti jedan od njih. Nema potrebe za panikom. Da budem iskren, kad smo iz Vrbnja krenuli na procesiju, sve o čemu sam mogao misliti bilo je "O Bože, u što sam se uvalio, kako ću ovo izdržati“ itd. Ali svećenik koji je donedavno bio u Vrbnju, don Branimir, rekao je vrlo istinitu stvar s kojom se u potpunosti slažem: „Od Vrbnja do Vrboske: ti nosiš križ. Od Vrboske nadalje križ nosi tebe“. Kad uspijete pronaći ugodan položaj za nošenje, postane stvarno lako. Fizički, moraš biti pripremljen nositi križ težak 8 kg, pa je bitno imati snage u gornjem dijelu tijela. Zbog pandemije nije bilo mnogo toga za raditi, pa bih se zaključao u svoju sobu i radio sklekove i trbušnjake, a uz to sam pomagao ocu na polju, u što je uključeno mnogo dizanja teških predmeta. Uz to sam zaista aktivan. U Kanadi igram nogomet i redovito idem u teretanu, pa nisam bio zabrinut. Izdržljivost je ključ da biste mogli izdržati svih 25 kilometara. Svi znamo da nije cijeli put po ravnome – dio prema Pitvama je najteži jer je uzbrdo cijelim putem. Zahvaljujući igranju nogometa i čestim odlascima na planinarenje i hodanje, bio sam spreman i zaista sam se dobro osjećao. Kada smo se ujutro vratili u Vrbanj, bio sam spreman za odraditi još 25 kilometara.
1943., 1944. i 2020. bit će godine kojih će se ljudi ponajviše sjećati. Meni je postalo jasno da će ova godina biti posebna kada je hrvatska Vlada uvela restrikcije (zatvaranje ugostiteljskih objekata, ograničavanje broja kupaca u dućanima, zabrana okupljanja itd.). Otprilike dva tjedna prije procesije dobili smo naredbu od policije da smiju ići samo troje ljudi plus križonoša u procesiji. Tjedan dana nakon toga, broj je povećan na deset ali nakon još nekoliko dana broj je smanjen na pet. Zahvaljujući naporima Antonija Škarpe, gradonačelnika Staroga Grada, Marija Lušića-Bulića, člana crkvenog odbora Vrbnja i Mika Belića Kice, predsjednika crkvenog odbora Jelse, broj je vraćen na deset ljudi. Zahvaljujući naporima glavnog „Stožera“ u Zagrebu, dopušteno nam je da u procesiji bude petnaest ljudi, što je donijelo mnogo olakšanja meni, mojoj obitelji i cijelome Vrbnju.
Kako smo znali da je Premijer Plenković s Hvara i da je redoviti posjetitelj ovog događaja, bili smo uvjereni da će se procesija Za Križen održati, ali nam je broj sudionika bio misterija. Bili smo mentalno spremni na originalnih pet članova procesije ali kada je dan prije održavanja stigla vijest da će moći ići petnaest osoba, osjećali smo samo zahvalnost i sreću.
Kao što sam već rekao, bili smo spremni da će se procesija dogoditi uz sudjelovanje po pet osoba. Svima nama glavni fokus je bio da svih šest križeva prođe, tako da se ne prekine petstogodišnja tradicija. Moglo se lako dogoditi da tradicija bude otkazana, ali znam da sam ja osobno bio spreman krenuti sam uz pomoć svog oca, samo da izbjegnemo otkazivanje tradicije. Govorkalo se da bi se procesija mogla odgoditi na rujan, ali nitko na otoku nije bio sklon tome rješenju jer to jednostavno ne bi bilo isto. Slavimo Kristovu smrt i uskrsnuće u ovo doba godine s razlogom… Procesija ne bi imala nikakvog smisla kada bi se održavala u bilo koje drugo doba godine.
Uz Hrvatsku i cijeli svijet usred ove pandemije, razumijem zašto su ljudi koji ne žive na Hvaru bili uzrujani. Stanovnici Hvara izolirani su 365 dana u godini i ovo je među rijetkim događajima kojima se stvarno vesele svake godine. Uz pažljivu pripremu procesije od strane „Stožera“ i policiju kao i sudionike koji poštuju sva pravila i odredbe koje su im dane. Prije procesije na Hvaru nisu zabilježeni slučajevi infekcije, tako da nije bilo posebne opasnosti. Srećom, nakon procesije možemo potvrditi da na Hvaru još uvijek nema slučajeva zaraze virusom, stoga velika zahvala svima koji su sudjelovali u procesiji na tome što su slijedili pravila!
Ljudi izvan Hvara ne dijele našu strast i osjećaje prema tradiciji staroj 500 godina, koje osjećaju stanovnici otoka. Posve razumijemo zabrinutost i prigovore koje smo čuli i mnogi od njih su bili u redu, ali postoje neke granice i linije koje se ne bi trebalo proći. Kada su ljudi počeli pokazivati manjak poštovanja prema crkvi, procesiji i na kraju prema samome Bogu, posebno kada ne razumiju koliko ova procesija znači stanovnicima Hvara, to je „prelaženje granice“. Mi koji imamo snažne pozitivne osjećaje prema crkvi, procesiji i Bogu bili smo iznervirani i osjećali smo manjak poštovanja zbog nepotrebnih komentara koji su išli protiv naših vjerovanja. Meni se čini da bi se tu trebalo primijeniti nešto što smo naučili u osnovnoj školi: „ako nemaš nešto pametno ili lijepo za reći, onda radije šuti.“
Cijeli Hvar bio je uzbuđen i osjećao je zahvalnost. Ja sam bio posebno sretan jer sam na tu prigodu čekao dvadeset godina i konačno sam mogao slijediti stope svoga oca, djeda, strica i pradjeda u nošenju križa, ali sam bio još sretniji jer sam bio jedan od križonoša ove godine, koji su dobili priliku nastaviti ovu svetu tradiciju umjesto da ona bude prekinuta. Nitko nije očekivao da će ova godina biti „posebna“, ali ni ja ni moja obitelj ne možemo biti sretniji kako je na kraju sve ispalo. Cijela ovogodišnja Korizma bila je ispunjena molitvom kroz mise prenošene na televiziji koje su doprinosile duhovnoj pripremi. Sama procesija bila je malena, ali prekrasna i prepuna molitve. U procesiji smo imali dvojicu koji su predvodili molitvu cijelu noć. Uspjeli smo uključiti i dvojicu vrlo talentiranih pjevača iz Vrbnja koji su pomogli da naša pjesma kroz noć zvuči predivno. U Pitvama smo čuli komentar kako su impresionirani našim pjevanjem, jer je u crkvi bilo samo 10 ljudi koji su pjevali, a zvučalo je kao da ih je stotinu.
Usred priprema za procesiju Za Križen, prije otprilike mjesec dana, Zagreb je pogodio potres koji je oštetio mnoge domove i crkve. Istovremeno, nas su udarali neugodni komentari ljudi koji su bili protiv održavanja procesije. Moj otac i ja odlučili smo da ćemo pokloniti sva novčana sredstva koja smo primili kao poklon, u korist večere na Veliki Četvrtak i ručak (Obid od Križa) na Uskršnji ponedjeljak. Ako bi nas netko darivao poklonom koji nije novčani, izračunali bismo njegovu vrijednost i donirali bismo taj iznos iz našeg džepa za Zagreb.
Predložili smo ovu ideju don Mili Plenkoviću, svećeniku iz Vrbnja i crkvenom odboru, koji su to rado prihvatili i kampanju nazvali "Varbonj za Zagreb - Za Križen 2020". Također su odlučili da će i sav novac prikupljen tijekom Svetog Tjedna u crkvi, takozvanu „lemozinu“, također darovati u taj fond. Kada je sve završeno, tjedan dana nakon Uskrsa, s ponosom možemo reći da smo prikupili 100.000 kuna. 50.000 kuna bit će uplaćeno u fond koji je Vlada Republike Hrvatske otvorila za pomoć Zagrebu. Preostalih 50.000 uplatit ćemo na račun "Kuće sv. Terezije od Malog Isusa za nezbrinutu djecu" u Zagrebu. Radi se o instituciji koju vode Karmelićanke presvetog srca Isusova. Brinu se za djecu bez prikladne roditeljske skrbi. Potres je znatno oštetio njihovu zgradu u centru Zagreba, pa su je morali napustiti dok se ne obnovi.
(Fascinantan prilog Hvar TV-a s križonošom iz Pitvi 2012)
April 23, 2020 - Maslina Resort is a five-star boutique hotel, slated to open this year in Maslinica Bay on the island of Hvar, just minutes away from the UNESCO-protected Stari Grad.
While health and safety should always be at the forefront of the hospitality industry, in the corona era, this has never been more true.
Thus, a new luxury resort on Hvar Island is getting ahead of the game by introducing a Health & Safety Leader to their team just in time for its opening this year.
TCN caught up with the Communication Specialist of Maslina Resort, Matko Kovacevic, to learn more.
April 22, 2020 - The 500-year-old UNESCO Za Krizen procession on Hvar was one of the only events to take place in Croatia this month. An in-depth interview behind the scenes with Vrbanj cross-bearer, Matteo Bratanic.
In 1943, the Italian fascists limited it to just 12 people per procession, and in 1944, it took place in a refugee camp in the Sinai desert in Egypt. For more than 500 years, the Za Krizen procession on Hvar, which became inscribed as UNESCO intangible heritage in 2009, has taken place each year since 1510, with six simultaneous processions from Jelsa, Pitve, Vrisnik, Svirce, Vrbanj and Vrboska following a shoeless cross-bearer on an overnight, 25-kilometre pilgrimage of reflection and prayer. And while almost all events in Croatia have been cancelled this month, Za Krizen was controversially given permission to go ahead, albeit in much-reduced circumstances. Whereas hundreds or even thousands take part each year, Za Krizen 2020 was limited to just 15 people per procession.
TCN was one of the few eye-witnesses of Za Krizen 2020. You an see our detailed account in Jelsa Za Krizen, Croatia Not Wuhan, & Cabin Fever Perspectives.
So what was it like to carry the cross in this most unusual Za Krizen year, and what was the story behind the scenes? I am very grateful to Vrbanj cross-bearer Matteo Bratanic for this fascinating and comprehensive view of this year's procession, preparations and aftermath through the eyes of one of the six men who carried the cross. Matteo Bratanic was the cross-bearer for Vrbanj.
I wasn't actually the one who signed myself up to carry the Vrbanj cross. It was my late grandfather who did in 2000 when my uncle, Dr. Andre Bratanic carried the cross. I was 14 months old. Unfortunately, my grandfather, who signed me up, passed away in September of last year and didn't get the chance to see me completing his wish.
(Hvar TV with the 2012 Pitve cross-bearer behind the scenes - fascinating report)
April 22, 2020 - Tourism is on hold, but most of us have plenty of time. So let's look at the virtual resources available to explore Croatia virtually. We begin a new series with the tools to discover Hvar.
A few weeks ago I wrote that being a tourism blogger in the corona era was about as useful as being a cocktail barman in Saudi Arabia. I feel less useless now, a few weeks later, and I am encouraged by the number of Croatian tourism businesses who are contacting us wanting to start thinking of promoting post-corona tourism.
One of the challenges of writing about tourism at the moment is that there is nothing positive to write about. With people confined to their homes and tourism in Croatia currently not possible, many have decided to go into hibernation until it is all over.
I think that this is a mistake, and I have greatly enjoyed the TCN series by Zoran Pejovic of Paradox Hospitality on thinking ahead to tourism in a post-corona world. You can find Zoran's articles here.
Way back on March 14 - several lifetimes ago - I published an article called Tourism in the Corona Age: 10 Virtual Ways to Discover Zagreb. The way I saw things, now was an OUTSTANDING opportunity for tourism promotion. People have time, they yearn for their freedom and former lives, so give them the tools to thoroughly research and enjoy your destinations, and you will have then longing to be there. And when they do come, they will have a deeper understanding of the destination due to their research.
South Africa and Portugal were the first to do their post-corona tourism promotion videos several weeks ago (Post-Corona Tourism Planning: Lessons from South Africa and Portugal), a trick which has been followed by other tourism countries, the latest being Croatia with the national tourist board campaign, #CroatiaLongDistanceLove, going live yesterday.
But while these campaigns create longing and market presence, they don't really educate. People now have time to really get into destinations. And dreams of escape to somewhere more exotic are high on the list of priorities of many.
So TCN has decided to help with that education with a new series called Virtual Croatia, where we will be helping you discover many of Croatia's destinations with all the best virtual tools available on your self-isolating sofa at home.
And in order to help things along, TCN will offer a free article such as this one to any local tourist board which wants to send us their best virtual tools of their destination. If interested, please send all the resources to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Subject Virtual Croatia (and name of destination).
So where to begin? Where else than my beloved Hvar.
It is more than 8 years since Visit Hvar published Island Hvar, My Place in the Sun. It was a smash hit back then, and I watch it still about 3-4 times a year. I love the music, the aerial footage, everything. It is my favourite Hvar video when I am longing for summer.
The Hvar Town Tourist Board has really upped its social media presence in recent years, including an excellent YouTube channel which I only came across recently. Here you can find some great resources about island life and events. here are just three.
ÖTILLÖ Swimrun Hvar 2019
Hvar Theatre, the oldest public theatre in Europe
Exciting and delicious - the island of Hvar
You can follow the Hvar Tourist Board YouTube channel here.
The Central Dalmatia Tourist Board only has a view videos on its YouTube channel, but they are very widely viewed. Three great ones for Hvar.
Hvar Timeline Stairs
Hvar Dynamic Postcard
Stari Grad Plain - brief history
Hvar is one of the most popular wedding destinations on the Adriatic. Imagine a wedding AND honeymoon on Croatia's premier island. It looks something like this. You can learn more about wedding options on Hvar here.
Did you know that Hvar has more UNESCO heritage than any island in the world? Time to start learning about them all from the official UNESCO videos, so that you can impress your mates when you are chilling your favourite Hvar beach in the summer.
UNESCO World Heritage Site the Stari Grad Plain
Za Krizen
Mediterranean Diet
Agava lace from the Benedictine Nuns in Hvar Town
Klapa singing in southern Dalmatia
Dry stone walling
Hvar even has its own TV channel in the form of YouTube channel, Hvar TV. When Maja and Jure are not reporting for national television on all things Hvar-related, they put together some brilliant local feature stories, many of which are subtitled into English. Here are a few of them.
Remember those 'Happy' Videos?
Celebrating Bogdanusa in Svirce
Hvar Harbour fast forward
Za Krizem - Following the Cross
You can follow the Hvar TV YouTube channel here.
That moment when I contacted YouTuber Joe Sugg for an interview, then suggested he go for a swim in Gariful's shark tank for his vlog. 4.5 million views later - meet Hvar's most-watched video EVER.
Where is the best view in the world? This is mine, but the view is only half the story. A video explanation of just how much magic there is to explore in the view below.
Hvar - into the storm from Romulic & Stojcic on Vimeo.
Nobody captures the beauty of Hvar better than the Osijek Maestros, Mario Romulic and Drazen Stojcic. They have the best photos. And then there are those timelapses. Yes, the sunshine island does occasionally take a break from the sun. And the results are stunning - Hvar in the Storm is one of my faves.
Hvar with the 4K treatment - divine.
Aromatic Hvar and the fabulous Lavender Festival in Velo Grablje, courtesy of those amazing chaps at Udruga Pjover.
VELO GRABLJE-OTOK HVAR from Filmofil.tv on Vimeo.
The app SightRun has Hvar as one of the cities you can run trough while sightseeing. You can download the app from this link.
THIS. IS. HVAR. When can we expect your visit?
To discover more of virtual Croatia, you can follow this series in our dedicated section, Virtual Croatia.
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April 22, 2020 - The final chapter of Za Krizen 2020, as the Varbonj za Zagreb earthquake appeal reaches 100,000 kuna. A message from cross-bearer Matteo Bratanic.
As previously reported on TCN, the UNESCO-listed Za Krizen religious procession on Maundy Thursday was one of the few events to be allowed to take place in this corona era, albeit in strictly controlled circumstances (you can see the detailed TCN eye-witness account of the 9-hour procession).
Matteo Bratanic, the Vrbanj cross-bearer, his family and the people of the village of Vrbanj decided to donate all the proceeds from Za Krizen 2020, including a monetary value on all gifts received, to victims of the devastating earthquakes in Zagreb last month. As I wrote last week, Matteo's father Toni, explained a little more about the Varbonj za Zagreb campaign (Varbonj is a dialect word for Vrbanj), as well as inviting people to contribute until last Sunday.
April 21, 2020 - Hvar is blessed with beauty, nature, heritage and gourmet treasures, as well as the best view in Dalmatia. Now learn what you can discover in this view.
Reporting on the corona crisis has been a stimulating but very intense experience in the last couple of months, and I am not sure I would have survived without the great team at TCN. Having one nothing but work, work, work for as long as I can remember, I managed to take a half-day off on Sunday and went off to explore some parts of the beautiful island of Hvar.
And where better to relax than on the bench overlooking the very best view in Dalmatia?
But while this is - at least in my opinion - the very best view in Dalmatia, how much do you know about what you are looking at?
In the latest from our new vlog, TCN talks, learn a little more about what is included in the view. Things to admire from afar now but to explore in detail on your next visit to Hvar include the oldest public theatre in Europe; the birthplace of organised tourism in Europe and the first 5-star hotel on Hvar; the largest square in all Dalmatia; CNN's top naturist beach in the world; one of the top nightclubs on the Adriatic; an eco-island which until recently had a permanent population of one donkey named Mercedes; an island with Hvar's main marina, and top quality restaurants that had Bono not only sharing on U2's Facebook page, but returning the next year; and an island with its own submarine base and the birthplace of cricket in Europe outside the UK.
All this, and much, MUCH more.
For this is the island of Hvar, and it is waiting for your visit.
For the latest news from Croatia's premier island and voted the best island in Europe by readers of Conde Nast Traveler last year, follow the TCN Hvar section.
April 19, 2020 - A visit to the Hvar ferry terminal to see how it functions in the Corona Era in the latest TCN report on Croatia's premier island under lockdown.
The birthplace of quarantine has bee accredited to Dubrovnik in some quarters, after the Republic of Ragusa, as it was then called, introduced the isolation strategy to nearby islands back in 1377 - more information in Croatia Self-Isolating Since 1377: Dubrovnik, the Birthplace of Quarantine.
So where better to sit out the current corona threat than on a Dalmatian island?
I have been back on Hvar for over a month now, ever since the announcement was made that schools were closing. I have been very strict in my self-isolation (the only things were I break the social distancing guidelines are my laptop and immediate self-isolation unit of my immediate family), and I only ventured out with a press pass to engage with island three days ago (apart from covering the Za Krizen procession from distance).
The Hvar police have kindly given me a press permit, allowing me to travel around the island to document the realities of the island under lockdown, for which many thanks. I am not free to leave the island myself, since I am registered with the police in Varazdin, and only people with island IDs can apply for special permits to use the ferry. This is an excellent precaution, as it stopped any mainlanders wanting to self-isolate on the island and potentially bring the virus to the island.
So what actually happens at the Hvar ferry, and who is using it? How strict are the controls?
I have made three trips to the main Hvar ferry terminal in Stari Grad in recent days, to meet the day ferry, which arrives at 10:30 and the evening ferry which docks at 20:30. It is a completely different experience to normal, as one would expect. I thought it would be better to show the realities by video report, which you can find below - shot and edited by Miranda Milicic Bradbury.
I also enquired after shooting who was using the ferry. In addition to supplies and emergency services, islanders who are going to Split with a permit include pregnant women and oncology patients going for treatment and checkups.
The whole system is extremely well-organised, and I certainly feel much safer and reassured, having witness everything first hand. Many thanks to those working so hard to keep us safe.
In this series, you can also see more about the realities of the island of Hvar in the Corona Era:
Hvar Supermarkets in the Corona Era: How are Supplies?
A 3 Video Tour of the Stari Grad Lockdown on the island of Hvar