
Fantastic Promotion of Hvar and Split on Vatican TV (VIDEO)

By 13 March 2017

Vatican TV is the latest international media to be gushing about the destinations of Hvar and Split on March 12, 2017. 

They say that a year is a long time in politics, but it is even longer - it seems - in Croatian tourism promotion. 

About 18 months ago, I helped organise a journalist trip by a freelance friend of mine about a story about Hvar for The Sunday Times. The story will finally come out later this month. 

Slightly quicker were the chaps from Vatican TV, who yesterday produced the first promotional results of an idea I had with the recently appointed Jelsa Tourist Board director. 

As the European Coastal Airlines seaplanes had started flying to Pescara from Split, I wondered about the possibility of organising a direct charter from Pescara to Jelsa for the UNESCO Easter Procession - journalists and tour agencies only - so that Easter in Jelsa could be prommoted and made available to Italian pilgrims.

I had a meeting with the Croatian National Tourist Board, who subsequently contacted their Rome office. The charter never took place, but a film crew from Vatican TV did decide to come, flying from Rome an then on the seaplane into Jelsa on a flight I helped organise.

I assume there will be a separate video on the Za Krizen procession shortly, but how about this for a wonderful promotion of Hvar and Split to the Italian market, broadcast yesterday?

Tagged under: hvar split
