
Terrano and Truffles: Festival of Gourmet Delights in Motovun

By 21 October 2017

Quick – name the first gourmet items that come to mind when Istria is mentioned! What did you come up with? Wine? Olive oil? Truffles?

Take two out of three, and you have yourself a festival. Any visit to Istria provides plenty of opportunities to enjoy the finer things in life, and one such ocassion awaits for you tomorrow in the gorgeous old town of Motovun: the 8th Terrano and Truffles Festival.

In the last seven years, the festival grew into a respectable manifestation that nowadays stands as a synonym for quality winemakers and exceptionally good Terrano wine. Add the best truffle harvesters and food producers out there, and you get an event with quite a mouthwatering offer, located in one of the most breath-stopping destinations in Istria.

On Saturday, October 21, visitors will be able to purchase various truffle products and wine from noon to 8 in the evening, getting to choose from a rich palette of gourmet delights presented by 22 exhibitors. For those who are not looking to carry bags filled with food around, but are more keen on tasting, there's the option of buying a sampling glass at a price of 40 kuna. One glass, and you can sample presented wines to your heart's desire all day long.

Throughout the afternoon, visitors will be able to vote for best Terrano wines made by different producers; the winner will be announced around 7 in the evening. The best part? Some of the guests who participated in the voting process will be taking home gift bags full of delicious goods.

After you're done sampling and sipping, you can walk off some of that heavy burden by taking a look around the photo exhibition titled 'The Story of Stone' (Priča o kamenu), set up by the Photographers' Association Fotovun in the gallery of Hotel Kaštel. That's not all on the cultural front – an art colony will be creating mesmerising works as part of the festival. Ten renowned artists from Croatia, Italy and Slovenia were assigned to come up with their own artistic interpretation of Terrano, truffles and Motovun landscapes.

Visiting with kids? The organisers thought of the youngest guests as well, preparing a children's pasta-making workshop from 2 to 5 in the afternoon. As the workshop will take place in a tent, there's no need to worry about the chance of poor weather.

There's nothing else left to say – if you're visiting Istria this weekend, you have no excuse for missing this phenomenal festival. Bon appetit!


Source: Glas Istre
