
The Mediterranean as It Once Was: Jelsa on Hvar in 1939 (VIDEO)

By 6 October 2018

October 5, 2018 - Continuing our look at the Mediterranean as It Once Was through videos of years gone by, a wonderful snapshot of life in Jelsa at the outbreak of the Second World War.

One of my favourite old Croatia videos is this one of Jelsa on Hvar, with scenes taken from 1939 to 1941, and the video captures so much of daily life in the town, from fishermen and kids at school, to the wise old men of Jelsa passing their wisdom in public places to religious processions. 

It was certainly a different era and long before mainstream tourism (although the first hotel opened in Jelsa back in 1911), but there was one curious thing Jelsa of 1939 and modern Jelsa had in common - they both had seaplanes, as Jelsa was one of the original sea ports for the seaplanes back in the 1930s. 

To learn more about Jelsa today, here are 25 things to know about Jelsa.  

Tagged under: jelsa hvar
