July 8, 2019 - After a period of intense heat, storms have returned to Croatia, with hail doing particular damage in the north-east of the country.
As reported last night on TCN, parts of Croatia were given a severe and sudden change in the weather after the recent hot spell. In Rijeka, just after midday, for example, the temperature dropped 8 degrees Celcius in 20 minutes, during which time there was a torrential downpour.
Things were a lot worse in other parts of the country, as Index reports, particularly in the east, where large hail stones damaged roofs in Vukovar and several windscreens of cars in Osijek. while two elderly women were slightly injured by the hail in Borovo Naselje.
The bad weather made its way down south as well, with winds, thunder and lightning in Dalmatia. Below a selection of videos from around the country.
With the unpredictability of the weather affecting driving conditions, tourists are advised to check the Croatian Auto Club official advice (in English) for the latest information here.
For the latest weather forecasts in English, click here.