
Dalmatia as It Once Was: Harvesting Lavender on Hvar in 1970 (VIDEO)

By 13 July 2019

July 13, 2019 - June and July are the months of lavender harvesting in Dalmatia - a gorgeous 1970 video showing how it was done 50 years ago.

Lavender fields in bloom are one of the most beautiful sights that Nature has bestowed upon us, as well as one of the most aromatic experiences. 

Hvar is often known as the lavender island, and at one point it was the 8th biggest producer in the world. The photo above is taken, we believe, around 1985. Gorgeous, isn't it?

Sadly, emigration and forest fires have severely diminished Hvar's lavender fields over the years, and while there is still some to be found, it is sadly just a fraction of what it once was. The village of Velo Grablje, near Hvar Town, celebrates the traditions of lavender each year with its own Lavender Festival. 

A wonderful 1970 video has surfaced - extremely well edited for the time - of the lavender harvest on Hvar, complete with plenty of donkey action. A really lovely snapshot of this most traditional aspect of Hvar life.  

Fifty years later, and lavender harvesting continues. Another excellent video of the 2018 harvest on the top of the island, courtesy of Jadran Lazic, with drone footage by Jaksa Kusmicic and editing by Miranda Milicic Bradbury. It is very hot work, and the 6am start is essential. 

To learn more about the island, check out the Total Croatia Hvar in a Page guide
