
Winter Tourism on Hvar: Dolphins Come to Play in the Harbour (VIDEO)

By 8 December 2019

December 9, 2019 - Some very welcome guests caught on webcam this week in the port of Hvar - dolphins!

Technology is increasingly on hand these days to record things which may otherwise go undetected.

The popular Hvar Live webcam, which observes life in various parts of the Hvar harbour 24/7 picked up some friendly visitors from the sea - Hvar dolphins!

Surfacing times: 00:20, 00:26, 00:33, 00:40, 00:48, 01:24, 01:32 and 01:38 Big thanks to Tom Bowen for spotting the dolphins, the camera was unfortunately on automatic operation. So this was recorded by accident and saved by rewinding back, after Tom mentioned the time in the chat.

Tourists in Stari Grad in 2005 were treated to an unusual sight as a dolphin swam into the town's deep bay and came right into the town's harbour by the school, much to the delight of the local children and tourists alike.  While its arrival was welcomed by people who came out in large numbers to see the dolphin, it was not such a happy experience for the dolphin, who was clearly distressed at not being able to find its way out. The harbourmaster called in experts, and eventually the dolphin was assisted back out to sea.  

The most common contact tourists have with dolphins on Hvar is on the tourist boats between Jelsa and Bol, which seem to attract only lots of dolphins, but also many who are in playful mood with the tourists - see below.
