
Zagreb Facebook Fan Photography Group Celebrates Ten Years

By 13 January 2020

His hobby attracted great interest, so he created a community to promote the Croatian capital. Ivan Brnčić was born in Zagreb, grew up there, obtained his education and found love. Out of gratitude and love for the city, he assumed leadership of the Facebook group 'Zakaj volim Zagreb' (Why I Love Zagreb) and created a positive community which loyally promotes our metropolis.

Posts and Photos Reveal Zagreb Daily Delights

In addition to photos of Zagreb's main attractions, the group contains posts which reveal the daily delights of life in the capital, according to Nova Studio/Dnevnik on December 19, 2019. In addition to the photos that make up most of the posts, the page contains videos, lyrics and songs dedicated to Zagreb.

''The group 'Zakaj volim Zagreb' brought together lovers of Zagreb. The group was founded with the aim of promoting the positive values ​​of the city: its culture, history and tradition and everything that encompasses Zagreb - now, today and in the future,'' explains group administrator Ivan Brnčić.


Ivan Brnčić | Dnevnik

Everyone Welcome to Join Facebook Group

People from all over the world are welcome to join the group. In addition to those who fell in love with Zagreb during their short stay for school or work, there are also expatriates in the group who are follow developments in the city. Therefore, the community has an emotional significance for many followers and provides a window into a world that was their home at some point in their lives.

''People recognize our group as a positive place and see something of value in it. Our community brings together people who are total amateurs in photography, but there are professionals too. People who started as amateurs are holding exhibitions now and have grown into better photographers. That is how our community works; to teach people. As they do something, they can learn to do it even better and become more comfortable with themselves,'' Ivan explains.

The 'Zakaj volim Zagreb' community recently celebrated its tenth anniversary. And this was just another opportunity for the group members to gather in the same place at the same time.

Real Life Gatherings and Successful Photography Exhibitions

''I try not only to facilitate a community on the internet, but to socialize in real life as well. We have organized various anniversaries for the birthdays and deaths of our celebrities such as Marija Jurić Zagorka, ban Josip Jelačić, Miroslav Krleža,'' Ivan reveals.

Therefore, for the anniversary of Zagorka's birth, they gathered on one occasion to pay tribute to our greatest journalist despite the pouring rain.

But Ivan is most proud of the group's participation in exhibitions. ''One of our biggest exhibitions takes place at the Zagreb City Museum and was attended by many members. It lasted three months and there were plenty of visitors. The members work was well-received, which could be seen in the comments which visitors left in the book of impressions. That's one of the reasons I love Zagreb and this group. You can see the enthusiasm of all the members because they were part of something so positive for the city. And that’s something that is recognized not only the city but Croatia and the whole world,'' Ivan concluded.

Follow our Travel page and Lifestyle page to learn more about life in Zagreb and the city’s many attractions.
