
Doug Lansky, Tourism Minister Cappelli Among Key Speakers at '1 Day or Day 1' Conference

By 6 February 2020

February 6, 2020 - New tourism conference 1 Day of Day 1 #hrturizam2030 announces leading global tourism thinker Doug Lansky as its keynote speaker, with Tourism Minister Gari Cappelli also confirmed in an impressive and high-profile programme of speakers. 

For a man who has never organised a conference before, Goran Rihelj from HRTurizam is putting on quite a show. 

As previously reported on TCN, a new tourism conference, aimed at positivity and achievability, bringing the key stakeholders in the public and private sector in Croatian tourism, will take  place at Forum Congress Centre in Zagreb on April 2. 

The final list of speakers is almost confirmed, the schedule is by far the most engaging and thought-provoking I have seen at any tourism conference in Croatia, and I encourage anyone with an interest in a better future for Croatian tourism to attend. The schedule will be published in the next few days, and tickets will be available online next week, with a special early bird price. 


I am particularly excited - but for very different reasons - at the attendance of two speakers in particular - tourism guru Doug Lansky, and Minister of Tourism Gari Cappelli. 

I certainly don't agree with everything the minister says and does, as followers of TCN may have noticed, but I think it is fantastic that he has decided not only to support Goran's excellent initiative but also to speak. The minister will be participating, along with senior representation from the Croatian National Tourist Board, on a panel discussing where Croatian tourism will be in 2030. The panel will be moderated by PR expert Kresimir Macan, former Communications Director for current Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. 

Cappelli's willingness to engage is commendable, one of several senior officials to support Goran's conference, and I really believe that this could be the starting point for a new era of cooperation and understanding between public and private sector in this most important sector of the Croatian economy. 


I am delighted to support Goran as well, and I will be speaking in the morning on 5 Tourism Gifts Croatia is Ignoring, and How to Fix This. Croatian speakers can read more about this on Goran's site.

And I won't mention the beach or the Adriatic Sea once, I promise. 

But I am really excited by the announcement of the keynote speaker, Doug Lansky. Excited not only because he is an outstanding addition to the conference, but also because his messages are exactly the ones Croatia's tourism chiefs need to hear. And this time they will, for they will taking part in the conference. 

I first met Doug Lansky at the Crikvenica International Health Tourism conference a few months ago, where he not only gave an outstanding keynote speech on successful tourism, but also two thought-provoking workshops. I wrote about my impressions of Doug's message at CIHT here.

For those who want to catch Doug Lansky down in Dubrovnik, he will also be speaking at EPIC 2020, the first European Patient Experience and Innovation Congress on March 19 - 21, another outstanding addition to the Croatian conference season. 

More details of One Day or Day One #hrturizam when we get them. See you there. 
