
Croatian Tourism Association Targets Dutch Market: Croatia - Safe and Desirable Destination

By 7 August 2020

August 7, 2020 - This week, the Croatian Tourism Association. (HUT) launched a newsletter specifically for the Dutch market titled, 'Croatia: Safe and Desirable Destination', which communicates the epidemiological situation to key institutions and epidemiologists in the Netherlands daily and provides an overview of the tourist situation in the country.

For our previous article on the tracker, please follow this link. 

HRTurizam reports that the website, which was launched to give daily updated and accurate information on the number of COVID-19 cases in Croatia and its regions, was visited by over 110,000 unique users in the 12 days since its launch. Most foreign visitors come from Germany (42.5%), Hungary (14.7%), Austria (8.5%) and the Netherlands (6.3%).

"In almost six months since the first case of COVID-19 infection was recorded in Croatia, there is still no official information that none of the citizens of other countries became infected in commercial accommodation in Croatia. Croatia continues to be the safest, closest and most acceptable holiday destination in the Mediterranean for all guests from the EU," said Veljko Ostojic, director of HUT.

Also, the site was supplemented in such a way that, in addition to the epidemiological situation by region, it now monitors the situation in the counties on a daily basis, and two new indicators were added - the ratio of active cases per 100,000 inhabitants (A100I *) and the ratio of active cases per 100,000 people, i.e., the total number of inhabitants and tourists staying in the area at a given time (A100P *).

In the last week since the previous issue of the Croatia Tourism & Travel newsletter (July 28-August 5), Croatia has recorded an average of 1,165 new cases per 100,000 people in the country, which is 27.5 percent fewer new cases than the daily average from a week earlier. The number of active cases has decreased by 16.7 percent since the previous edition of the newsletter.

"The site clearly shows that the epidemiological situation in Croatia is 'in the green' and is the best in the Mediterranean, with the least active cases," concludes Ostojic.

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