The Tourist Board of Trilj has organized a "Christmas Fair 2016". The fair will be held on Saturday, 17 December from 10:00 to 17:00 in the parking lot of the hotel Sv.Mihovil in Trilj.
The Tourist Board of Trilj calls upon all legal and natural persons who are registered for the sale of goods, which are in the range of appropriate Christmas items (ornaments, candles, Advent arrangements, greeting cards, etc.), to apply for the display and / or sale of their products, works and services.
Participation is free, but exhibitors are required to bring their own stands. Number of exhibition spaces are limited.
Applications for participation in the fair are accepted at the Tourist Office (Kralja Tomislava 1a), by phone at 021 / 832-510 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until 10 December 2016.