Meet Your Country: Free Guided Tour Successfully Held in Trilj on Sunday

By 14 January 2019

January 14, 2019 - On the occasion of the Day of International Recognition of the Republic of Croatia, as part of the project "Meet Your Country", on Sunday, January 13, 2019, a free guided tour was successfully held in the city of Trilj.

The action was initiated by the Croatian Tourist Guides Association (ZDTVH) and supported by the Croatian Tourist Board. The Trilj Tourist Board, along with the Trilj Regional Museum, also joined the action. In all 56 participating cities in Croatia, free guided tours started at exactly the same hour - 12:00.

As part of the action, participants visited numerous cultural sights accompanied by the director of the Trilj Regional Museum Director Sanje Budić Leto. The tour of the Trilj’s natural beauties and cultural and historical heritage started from the Trilj Regional Museum from where, after exploring the museum, the group continued to the Tilurj Roman legionary camp and the church of Sv. Petra in the village of Gardun. 


After the tour of Gardun, the participants visited Vrpolje and the legacy of traditional architecture, the protected cultural heritage "Lokva" and the local medieval monuments that are located in the same area and are an integral part of the pedagogical path "Put bunara".


“We would like to thank all those who helped us realize this action, as well as all the participants who, despite the adverse weather conditions, came from various parts of Split-Dalmatia County," said Andriana Ivković, Director of the Trilj Tourist Board.

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