Pons Tiluri Event in Trilj: A Bridge Between Worlds

By 17 September 2019

September 17, 2019 - The Museum of the Trilj Region, in cooperation with the Sports Association Gaz, and with the support of the Tourist Board of Split-Dalmatia County and the City of Trilj, for the first time organizes the Pons Tiluri event - a bridge between the worlds.

The purpose of the event is to present to visitors, in a fun and educational way, three critical events from ancient history that preceded the development of Pons Tiluri - today's Trilj.

Storytelling methods for expert tours of museums and sites and "reviving history" are becoming increasingly popular in the world of cultural heritage interpretation, based on the principle of authentic depictions of historical periods and events.

The Pons Tiluri manifestation - a bridge between the worlds, consists of three acts, or staged historical events in three different locations:

1st Location - the courtyard of the Museum of the Trilj region

- Staging the Great Pannonian-Dalmatian Uprising, also known as the  Bellum Batonianum, which took place between AD 6–9, leading to the final breakdown of the resistance in Illyria and the administrative division into the provinces of Pannonia and Dalmatia.

2nd Location - Roman Legionary Camp Tilurium (Centuria - Probe A) in Gardun village

- Staging an evening for Roman soldiers (Latin corpora curae), from preparing food to games, hygiene, body care and the like

- changing of the guard

3rd Location - Suspension Bridge in Trilj

- Staging the dedication of the Roman bridge to the supreme god Jupiter and the deity of the river Cetina (ant. Hypuss). The wooden bridge was probably built at the beginning of the 3rd century and was located between the modern road bridge and the 'hanging' bridge in Trilj.

The event will take place on September 20, starting at 5 pm at the Museum of the Trilj Region, Don Ante Bućana 3, Trilj.

Visitors are asked to come by car as public transportation to Tilurij  (3 km away from the Museum) will not be provided.

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